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  1. HardlyQuinn

    Giving free worms

    What a hard situation. I have been through something similar. It must be difficult to see all of those supplies that no longer have a purpose. I understand the inclination to get rid of them. Perhaps put them in another room until you have time to absorb this loss and recover. Nothing can...
  2. HardlyQuinn

    Sick Chameleon

    How does his poop and urate look? Is the urate white or yellow or another color?
  3. HardlyQuinn

    Cham initiating coming out of enclosure same time every evening

    Have you checked the temperature? Maybe he's too warm or humid and needs a breather.
  4. HardlyQuinn

    Any way or place to buy katydids and grasshoppers in the U.S.?

    And crickets aren't? Or roaches, lol. I live in FL & dubias are illegal here... because they might replace our population. I'm like "be my guest, I'd take a Dubia in my house over anight American cockroach ANY day! And what's more is they are legal in our bordering states... soooooooo do we...
  5. HardlyQuinn

    LED Grow lights

    Thank you again everyone, I really appreciate the help. I will definitely look at what is out there. When it comes down to it, I want safe and effective lighting and I'd rather go through plants or switch them every couple months rather than stress out yoda with the crazy lighting. I hadn't...
  6. HardlyQuinn

    LED Grow lights

    Thank you for all of your responses! I want to add that I was not hoping to replace the UV lighting that is appropriate, only add to the lighting to assist with plant growth. Thank you again for all the help. I did enough research to note the differences in the wavelengths and there bein no UVA...
  7. HardlyQuinn

    Pest control

    Hello, My ex husband has beardies, snakes, and a skink, all of which my kids love. He also has cats (who don't bother the reptiles at all) He also has developed quite the horrible german cockroach infestation. Is there a safe method of eliminating german cockroaches without risking the lives...
  8. HardlyQuinn

    LED Grow lights

    I was more concerned with it causing damage to Yoda. I don't want to give him a "sunburn"
  9. HardlyQuinn

    LED Grow lights

    Hi there, I am a relatively new cham-mommy. I currently have my second cham baby. He's about 4 months old. (pictures to come) I'm going through plants, rotating them out frequently, but I am concerned that frequent outdoor exposure of the plants can increase risk for bugs with parasites to get...
  10. HardlyQuinn

    Comment by 'HardlyQuinn' in album 'Hue Hefner the gender fluid chameleon'

    Why is it that Hue is gender fluid?
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