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  1. Magnus2502

    Live plants for first time keeper

    Ficus is good for hanging out while you clean the enclosure. My little girl loves her tree... I have a couple hibiscus I switch in and out bout once a week, but they are still a royal pain to take care of... I can also recommend checking the bird section of any pet store, as I have found some...
  2. Magnus2502

    Professional Pics of Lars

    Very cool...
  3. Magnus2502

    My eldest boy doing what he loves!

    That's a cool shot... Digging the coloring...
  4. Magnus2502

    PURPLE bars! Check this guy out!!!!!

    That is so cool.... Makes me want a panther even more...
  5. Magnus2502

    Reptariums?!?! Opinions needed!!

    I had seen those but don't know anything or heard anything about them... Size wise it may work... I house live plants in my enclosure and would like room in my next enclosure to be able to fit more than one and hold a grow light on top along with the other lamps... It may work ill check more...
  6. Magnus2502

    Reptariums?!?! Opinions needed!!

    Thanx for the reply... That's the general consensus I've been getting about them.. The one thing I like is there size... Been hard to find an enclosure with the size I want.. The iguanarium by zoo med has great size and is well built but very costly but worth it if I decide to go that route.. So...
  7. Magnus2502

    Reptariums?!?! Opinions needed!!

    Looking to find a permanent enclosure for my veiled.. She is getting old enough to move to a permanent home.. I've been looking for for something with lots of space, would love to build my own but honestly don't have to time... So was looking and was curious if anybody out there has used any...
  8. Magnus2502

    So pissssed!!!! RIP Tootsie Roll!!

    That's horrible... So sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing... I will definitely keep this in mind next time I have my Zoe out
  9. Magnus2502

    Dumb question because I'm curious

    Yes twice a month as well just can't remember the brand of the to of my head.. I will call the store I purchased the light from tomorrow or go up there to verify the rating...
  10. Magnus2502

    Dumb question because I'm curious

    Please forgive me but I can't remember what the UVB rating is, the bulb says UVA and UV 8 so maybe a rating of 8... And as for the temp gage I've heard arguments on both ends for digital and non but thinking about using both to compare for myself... But have looked into both and will take any...
  11. Magnus2502

    Dumb question because I'm curious

    I turned my heat lamp off and she stopped doin it so maybe she was just a little hot... Think I need to elevate the light some more.. But if anybody else sees some concerns from my care sheet please let me know.. Thanx you guys rock...
  12. Magnus2502

    Dumb question because I'm curious

    It may reach 90 under direct light.. Using a dual non digital gave for heat and humidity... UVB bulb is 15 watt and heat bulb is 50 watt
  13. Magnus2502

    Dumb question because I'm curious

    No wheezing and Moslty during basking
  14. Magnus2502

    Dumb question because I'm curious

    Chameleon Info: * Your Chameleon - 4-5 month old female veiled * Handling - 2-3 times a week mostly during cage cleanings * Feeding - Moslty small crickets maybe 10- 12 a day.. Picked up some roaches for the first time yesterday she don't seem to care for them but has eaten about a dozen...
  15. Magnus2502

    Dumb question because I'm curious

    So my lil veiled Zoe has been sitting around lately with her mouth open, and I know with beardies they do it as a basking thing... So is it kinda the same deal or is there an underlying reason that I need to be aware of?
  16. Magnus2502

    $40 Free Range

    Cool thanx i hadn't thought of Home Depot, will check that out...
  17. Magnus2502

    $40 Free Range

    Cool setup been wanting to do the same kinda deal but having trouble tracking down some bamboo in my area... I'm sure I just haven't looked in the right places but thought I would ask where u picked yours up.. Thanx in advance
  18. Magnus2502

    Gut load question

    Very true.. I will cut back on it for sure.. Thank you for the advice it's much apriciated
  19. Magnus2502

    Gut load question

    I don't know anything about the concentrate so ill just post a pic of what it has.. But goin by what u recommend I think I'll cut back on this gut load
  20. Magnus2502

    Gut load question

    This gut load came highly recommended so thought I would give it a try
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