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    Outside today and first roach!

    I brought my Sambava out today for a little sun, and he loved it! His colors have really been coming through these past sheds, and he's getting so big I had to get him a new cage. His bars are now dark red and his tummy is white with some yellow here and there. He's also very green most of the...

    Been a While

    Hello! Been a while since I've posted pics (or anything for that matter). I got my setup in my basement finally finished, and I got my mistking set up as well. I also got a new addition to the family, Rex. He is a 3 month old Nosy Be and he's already showing great colors, and he's rather large...

    So the addiction begins...

    I just got my Nosy Be female and wanted to share with you guys she has some really cool blues on her head that you can't really see in the pics. I'm getting a Nosy Be male next month and cannot wait! I am planning on breeding them sometime in the future and also can't wait for the babies... Why...

    Mojos PJs!

    Here is mojos PJ colors, he was sleeping in a really wierd spot last night haha

    Size in crickets

    I cant decide which size of crickets I should feed my 5 month panther cham, also what are the sizes in weeks, ive heard several different sizes I should feed him I'm not sure what to get. would a 1/2 size be ok?

    First pics of mojo!

    Couldnt get very many pictures cause he hated my phone and wouldnt cooperate.

    Mealworms or Superworms

    Are superworms or mealworms considered a treat? And is it ok to feed mealworms or superworms regularly?

    Strange behavior

    The other day when I hand fed my Cham, he ate the cricket right out of my hand, but today I tried to hand feed a mealworm, he puffed up, hissed at me, and tried to bite me, anyone have a guess at what's going on?

    So Confused

    I've been hearing from some people that for a 3 month chameleon that you should feed him calcium with d3 every other day, and from others that it's twice a month, can anyone tell me which is right?!

    Changing a weird color at night

    Every night near lights out and when he's sleeping, my chameleon has been turning a whitish and brown color, is that a sign of him being to hot or just natural?

    Fruit fly help

    For my new baby chameleon (3 months) are wingless fruitflies or fruitflies with the wings better, and what is a culture?


    What type or brand of hygrometers would you reccomend that are reliable, accurate and stick in the cage for my chameleon. Also, are they recommended.

    My chameleon is very nervous

    Is there any way i can get my chameleon to be less nervous of me when im around, whenever i go in to clean his cage or put his food in he freaks out and tries to get as far away from me as possible, or is this what they all do? Ive only had it for one day and im sure its just cause i just got...

    How often to give calcium powder

    Hi, i just got my first sambava panther chameleon (3 months old) and i was wondering how often should i give it the calcium powder, and when i gut load do i gut load only the ones im going to feed to him or all of them
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