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  1. kk1020man

    Rudis Chameleons

    We actually live in Phoenix now, but still just as hot and even dryer. Between a veiled and flapneck, I think I prefer the look of the veiled better. Plus the incident with the flapneck was so unbearable to watch I just don't want to do that again. Also the "breeder" we purchased the little guy...
  2. kk1020man

    Rudis Chameleons

    That's all I wanted to know.... I guess I will be giving the vieled one more chance.
  3. kk1020man

    Rudis Chameleons

    I am not totally unexperienced. We have 13 reptiles right now and a lot of furry friends as well. I can read animals pretty well, so I am not worried about identifying issues that may arise. I still want to know if my reptarium is okay for them. Also people keep telling me what temps they keep...
  4. kk1020man

    Rudis Chameleons

    Do you keep them all in screen enclosures? I was thinking about keeping 1 male and 2 maybe 3 females in my reptarium. Our house is NEVER below 73/74 degrees, so I don't know how to drop the temperatures that low. Also, at what humidity are they kept? Thanks for the help so far!
  5. kk1020man

    Rudis Chameleons

    I have been looking into getting Rudis Chameleons over the past week or so. I have 125 gallon reptarium that I was planning on keeping a small group of them in. What do ya'll keep yours in? How many could I comfortably house in it? I read that they don't need a heat lamp because they like...
  6. kk1020man

    Keeping Chameleons

    Why not? What would you put them in? I looked over that rocky mountain site and it was somewhat helpful. They didn't really detail the type of enclosure necessary. I think they are very adorable and I like the fact they can be kept in groups. I am a little worried about the temps though. That...
  7. kk1020man

    Keeping Chameleons

    I have never heard of that species before. Can you tell me where I can research them? How many do you think could live comfortably in my 125? I would really love to have a small group of smaller chams in my large cage. I am afraid of getting a WC. Even though the breeder of the flapneck we...
  8. kk1020man

    Keeping Chameleons

    After two failed attempts at keeping chameleons, one veiled and one flapneck, I have decided to try once again. The first one died suddenly of an assummed genetic disorder. According to everyone I talked with, we did everything correctly. The flapneck died of mal-nutrition. He quit eating...
  9. kk1020man

    My Chameleon Vomited

    Well, none of the possibilities listed seem likely causes. He hasn't eaten on his own in about two weeks and he hasn't ever thrown up the repta-aid and he is pooping regularly. The water he drinks come from a mister and is room temperature. The URI may be likely but, he doesn't really show any...
  10. kk1020man

    My Chameleon Vomited

    I was watching my Chameleon Gus climb around his cage this afternoon. He was on the ceiling crawling underneath the heat lamp. He started moving a little sparadically and then his front legs let go from the top so he was hanging upside down. He stayed like that jolting around a bit. I thought he...
  11. kk1020man

    He wants to eat but I don't think he can!

    We have started placing crickets into his mouth and he is eating them. Last night he ate 3 and this evening he ate 4. We put some crickets in his cage before leaving for work hoping that maybe he would try to eat on his own. All five we still in his bowl when we got home. I was wondering, some...
  12. kk1020man

    He wants to eat but I don't think he can!

    We haven't tried placing a cricket in his mouth just yet. There is some great news though! A little while ago I heard the mister go off so I went in to see how he reacted. He was sitting under the water letting it fall on his head. When the spray finished, he began licking the water off of the...
  13. kk1020man

    He wants to eat but I don't think he can!

    He is pooping. I have been checking for that. He hasn't gone a lot but he does poop. As for the disproportion, in the pictures he does look a little weird, but he doesn't look so bad in person, aside from his color not being exactly right. I may have been the camera angle or that he was puffed...
  14. kk1020man

    He wants to eat but I don't think he can!

    I know that a male can not become gravid!! If you read the previous post that person said that their suppossed male became gravid, proving that it was actually female and almost died. If when our Flapneck Gus was very skinny, we had noticed signs of him being gravid that would indicate that we...
  15. kk1020man

    He wants to eat but I don't think he can!

    He has a habba mister that goes off every hour for 45 seconds and he usually sits close to it. We also have a drip system. His eyes look much, much better than they did before. He has spurs on the back of his rear feet. Plus he doesn't have any signs of being gravid, he was so skinny at one...
  16. kk1020man

    He wants to eat but I don't think he can!

    We just tried holding the cricket up to his mouth with no success. He did try to get away so he is gaining his strength back little by little. When we get him out of the cage he closes his eyes. Does anyone know why or if this happens to anyone elses chameleon? Thank you for all ya'lls help...
  17. kk1020man

    He wants to eat but I don't think he can!

    My poor Flapneck has been improving in weight, color and strength over the past week. He still has one eye that stays closed a lot but he opens it more and more. So today instead of hand feeding hime the Repta-Aid I wanted to see if he would eat some crickets. I placed four dusted crickets in...
  18. kk1020man

    Inherited a Chameleon and I am clueless

    I have a chameleon that has stopped eating and I started hand feeding him Repta-Aid from Petsmart and now he is slowly on his way to getting healthy. It is difficult to do and it took me almost two hours the first time, but he has gotten much better in the past four days and eats the food in...
  19. kk1020man

    Update on sick Flapneck

    More improvement Alright... He has improved since I posted this earlier today. The eye that was closed all the time is opening now and then. It's squinted for short periods of time. I just finished hand feeding him and also gave him some water with the syringe. I gave him another shower but...
  20. kk1020man

    Update on sick Flapneck

    Ok so I posted earlier this week about my dehydrated and malnourished Flapneck Chameleon Gus. I gave him a shower the next day. He didn't really try to drink the water but, because of the amount of water falling on him, I believe he got some into his mouth. The next day I purchased that...
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