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  1. L

    Isopods/Pill Bugs/Rollie Pollie

    They're relatively easy to breed. I keep mine in a tiny little pet keeper or whatnot with some wet bark on top of eco-earth. I wet it down once a week and throw in various vegetables and Cricket Crack/Bug food and they seem to devour it. I've had them for about three weeks and from the...
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    what is this? theres a bug in my bugs.

    If they're 2-4mm they are likely Confused flour beetles or their similar cousin, red flour beetles. If it can fly, it's a red, if it cannot, it is a confused. Otherwise I don't know, but I've spent the better part of today and yesterday collecting confused flour beetles.
  3. L


    Welp, now it's been a week and she's still here. Success so far. I've been trying both Hydei fruit flies and 1/8 to 1/4 crickets for her. I know she's interested because she moves down by them, but I have not been watching her closely to see any actual strikes. She seems to hate fruit flies...
  4. L

    Dumb Question about Springtails

    I had a tropical type and a temperate type. Both can climb glass, I'd assume that rubbermaid would not be difficult for them. There will be escapees, guaranteed.
  5. L


    Well the concern specifically was that I had a high ambient temp, which makes setting up a basking spot difficult. I went and got a big yard&garden pump hand sprayer to make the misting and watering easier. Lastly, I couldn't find another umbrella plant that was of the proper size, so I got...
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    Went to the show in Wheaton, IL yesterday to get some supplies for my current feeders and gecko/frogs. Walked around a bit getting this or that(finally got a digital hygrometer!) and saw a single female pygmy for sale around 15$ by a frog vendor. Supposedly he visited a friend getting out of...
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    ? about parasites? worm type thing..

    Yeah, spose not since they generally are not bigger than 3/8". Still, if theyre subsisting in the soil or around a plant that is odd.
  8. L

    ? about parasites? worm type thing..

    Nematodes maybe. What type of plant, how much soil, and how warm does the soil get?
  9. L

    Anyone else going to the SEWERfest show tomorrow?

    Didnt see that this was responded to. Wanted to let you know the show is still very fun to attend. I felt the wide array of obscure or newly discovered gecko species was the winner, alongside the baby Mellers hatching. Can't wait for November.
  10. L

    Pygmy Chameleon questions.

    I got into contact with a few people to try and get some CB Acuminatus in the future, so for now I am shoring up my feeder breeding operations while I wait to move at the end of the month. I've expanded the breeding feeder list to include: Dubias, Six Spotters, pill bugs and sow bugs...
  11. L

    Baby Melleri Pics!!!

    Aw Bollocks! I posted up to see who was going to Sewerfest. Totally saw the babies and mentioned this post describing them on your carseat. P.S. Adorable and wished I had the room for them.
  12. L

    Anyone else going to the SEWERfest show tomorrow?

    It's a twice a year show, and the last time I was there there were some baby pygmies on display but not available at the time. Though I can definitely see how it would be very difficult to tell WC from CB at a glance if a company really wanted to skirt the rules. If they're found out, they're...
  13. L

    Anyone else going to the SEWERfest show tomorrow?

    Pretty much what it says. Hoping to get some Pygmies and a ton of equipment for the coming weeks. Best thing: as far as I know, it's a CB only event.
  14. L

    Nap during the day-is this normal?

    What kind of UV bulb are you using?
  15. L

    Disinfecting T-Rex Bio-Vine?

    White distilled vinegar is a popular household cleanser, effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs, due to its level of acidity. Cleaning with white distilled vinegar is a smart way to avoid using harsh chemicals. You’ll also be glad to know that it is environmentally friendly and...
  16. L

    Sow Bugs

    Symbiot, look for rotting wood with loose bark. I've got a stack or two in the backyard, and simply peeled off the thick outer layer to find about 50 sow bugs per log. After a rain and before it gets very hot seems to be the best so far. Otherwise, lay some rotting wood on the ground, cover...
  17. L

    Sow Bugs

    Thank you both. Cool ideas, I'll be using them next time I harvest. My plan is to run them as a breeding colony, as I've got one tank with some springtails and a mini-sow bug colony already(I will not be mixing these species, just looking for variety in feeders). Right now I have obtained...
  18. L

    Sow Bugs

    So I've gotten bored today, and decided to go through a rotting woodpile in the backyard. After about 5 minutes I've collected around 75 sow bugs ranging from babies to gigantic adults. I'm basically grabbing the rotting bark off the surface and shaking the bigger ones into the container...
  19. L

    1st Dubia have arrived!

    Dubia cannot climb, toss em in a high edged container with some egg cartons, heat, air and food and they are fine. At night they move around a bit, you'll hear scratchy rustling but nothing more.
  20. L

    East Coast Butterworms? Haven't ordered from them before, but I hope this helps you.
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