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  1. VeiledChams

    Comment by 'VeiledChams' in 'My Findings on Infrared night time heat emiters vs ceramic heat emitters.'

    Hey man, this was a 14 year old kid who was just trolling the forum. Read some of his threads and you'll see none made sense. He used pictures from google as his own.
  2. VeiledChams

    Veiled Care Sheet- Spanish Version

    Los camaleones no son una mascota facil de mantener. Requieren mucha atencion y mucha dedicacion. A diario, yo me demoro aproximadamente una hora solamente echandoles agua y dandoles de comer. Tambien esta el tener que mantener las jaulas limpias, criar la comida (despues explico), y observar...
  3. VeiledChams

    VeiledChams's Blog

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