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  1. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Sydney half ambanja/half ambilobe panther chameleon. 2 years 4 months old Handling - Probably about bi-weekly Feeding - Crickets daily/every other day. Crickets are gutloaded with fresh fruits and veggies, which I vary (kale, strawberries, carrots, zucchini...
  2. SweetObsolete

    Keeps opening his mouth really wide

    Chameleon Info: * Your Chameleon - Panther cham (ambilobe x ambanja). Male. Hatched 10/10/10. Had him since February 15th. * Handling - About 2-3 times a week. * Feeding - I feed him crickets, and sometimes hornworms and/or silkworms. He eats about 8-15 small crickets a day...
  3. SweetObsolete

    Sydney updates

    So, I've had him for a few weeks now, and I can already see him growing :) I see hints of colors sometimes too, there are some really pretty bright blues and greens sometimes, and sometimes reds. He's gone through one shed, and has been eating and drinking really well. He even tolerates...
  4. SweetObsolete

    Sydney is finally here!

    So, my baby chameleon finally arrived today :) His name is Sydney, he's a morph panther (half ambanja, half ambilobe). Hatched 10/10/10. He is so tiny and adorable! :D I snapped a couple photos of him, but I'm trying not to bother him too much.
  5. SweetObsolete

    New here, from Minneapolis

    Hey guys, I just joined this forum a little while ago. I recently purchased a panther chameleon from screameleons. I got the ultimate kit set up and everything, so I have to wait until the enclosure is all set up before he's shipped, but I am so excited! This will be my first chameleon :D...
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