Recent content by slik100

  1. slik100

    Im confused by this?????

    But Jacksons don't lay eggs! Must be a scam
  2. slik100


    Feeding chameleons pinkies once in a while AS A TREAT is not bad for them. Does a human eat something that is distasteful? No. How can an animal that is highly developed socially not recognize what's edible and what isn't? If they didn't like the taste, they wouldn't eat them. That simple. The...
  3. slik100


    Feeding chameleons pinkies once in a while AS A TREAT is not bad for them. Does a human eat something that is distasteful? No. How can an animal that is highly developed socially not recognize what's edible and what isn't? If they didn't like the taste, they wouldn't eat them. That simple. The...
  4. slik100

    Cricket Proofing Cages

    Try building your cage with a little more precision. Take your time and do it right the first time.
  5. slik100

    Carpet Chameleons, PLEASE help me sex them.

    Carpets are super easy to sex. The males have much longer tails. They are also known as monkey-tails. If you have them side by side, the difference is very noticeable. Assuming they are the same age. Hope this helps. Good luck
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