Recent content by Mtnlaurel

  1. Mtnlaurel

    Baytril injection - black streaking

    Baytril was not his first choice, it's actually the second antibiotic we tried since the ceftazidime was ineffective. His condition was declining rapidly, and I've acted as best I can in the situation. He is improving although he seems like he's in a bad mood, I can't blame the guy. I think...
  2. Mtnlaurel

    Baytril injection - black streaking

    He is being seen by a vet
  3. Mtnlaurel

    Baytril injection - black streaking

    Also, his lips are swollen. I'm assuming it is irritation due to extended exposure to mucous. will the Baytril help with this? Mucous is gone today!
  4. Mtnlaurel

    Baytril injection - black streaking

    Hmm, I trust this vet, and I see tremendous improvement today. The streaking was gone very quickly
  5. Mtnlaurel

    Baytril injection - black streaking

    Hi I have a panther with an URI, tazicef(fortaz), wasn't working. Switched today to Baytril. Injections left black streaks. Are they permanent?
  6. Mtnlaurel

    New care section is great!!!

    not sure who I owe the compliment to, but I think it looks fantastic and really simplifies finding basic care information. Well done!
  7. Mtnlaurel

    You can't fix stupid...

    I say "can't fix stupid" inside my head all the time. It just bubbled over today.
  8. Mtnlaurel

    You can't fix stupid...

    Words of wisdom for the day. Have read some of the most trifling, obnoxious and uneducated things today. Here and elsewhere. Why ask for help if you can't take advice? I just needed to get that out. Thanks. That's all. Carry on. Edit: sorry venting I should have just kept that to myself
  9. Mtnlaurel

    Brown to green all day

    Absolutely no light at night. Check out ceramic heat emitters if your getting below 50, but no light. Sometimes they go dark to absorb heat, then back to green. Could be what's going on. It took about a month for my guy to really get in a predictable daily groove. He/she may still be adjusting.
  10. Mtnlaurel

    No horns?

    I used to para for a special ed class. Man I loved that job. Most inspirational work I think I've ever had. I bet they love that chameleon!
  11. Mtnlaurel

    Standing water and chameleons

    Ha! If you play with fire boys... lol
  12. Mtnlaurel

    Cross breeding

    Lol! Alphabet soup!
  13. Mtnlaurel

    Elwood 5 Months Old

    He is absurdly adorable. I never had an itch for a nosy be until him. Now I'm knda jealous. He's a superstar.
  14. Mtnlaurel

    Breeder Sold Me A Chameleon With A Parasite

    I really want to let this go, but I did read up on E. invadens, and clearly that is a nastier beast than I gave credit. I'm sorry if I minimized that. Ugly bug there. Nothing to mess around about.
  15. Mtnlaurel

    Taking him outside?

    @jajeanpierre it sounds like you are an avid bird watcher/studier. Right now I'm trying to learn turkey calls. My father in law is a turkey hunter - true blue. The real turkey hunters know turkeys like you do your they think, where they eat, the sounds they make when thy are...
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