Recent content by monstertankman

  1. monstertankman

    newbie needs advice chameleon setup

    What kind of chameleon o you have? Males usual require 4x2x2 for veiled and Panthers
  2. monstertankman

    newbie needs advice chameleon setup

    Hello I would go with a full screen cage w/drip tray(4x2x2) from either dragon stand or diy cages depending on your chameleon . Fl Cham's has a chameleon safe plant list of plants you can use in your enclosure. As far as misting I would go with a Mistking especially for someone who's not home to...
  3. monstertankman

    Back after a long heijtius

    Back after a long heijtius
  4. monstertankman

    Favorite Panther Locale?

    Since i voted couple yrs back my favorites are,ambilobe,nosy be,mitiso,Antalaha,and Ankaramy.:D
  5. monstertankman

    How many do you have??

    Since i first voted ,i now have 1.0 ambilobe,1.0 nosy be,1.1 Ankaramy,1.1 Antalaha :D
  6. monstertankman

    Silkworms available where

    Florida Fresh silk worms has silkies available
  7. monstertankman

    My crickets are dying.. Help

    Sorry to hear you are having issues with your crickets, i keep mine in a 10 gallon with a mess top. And one dish with fresh gutload daily,another dish with calcium fortified water crystals, and commercial dry cricket food covering the bottom. And about four chucks of egg carton and serveral...
  8. monstertankman

    Terrified of hornworms?

    The only thing you can do is offer them again,my veiled sajack did the same thing kinda. He stood on his feeding cup ,puffed up and hissed rocking back and forth :rolleyes:
  9. monstertankman

    Boomer + Shed = Awesome!

    Fantastic as always Carol, thank you for sharing another great photo of Boomer :D
  10. monstertankman

    Happy Birthday to Trace!

    Happy Birthday Trace
  11. monstertankman

    Hendershot (My Nosy Be) 4 1/2 Years Old

    Hendershot is gorgeous for being 4 1/2 Jann
  12. monstertankman

    Tribute to Hera

    I am so very sorry to read of Hera's passing Jann, you did everything you could for her till her final day, and she was well loved and taken care of. My sincere condolences Jann.
  13. monstertankman

    How long has it been...

    Lol you loved to keep us in suspense don't ya:D
  14. monstertankman

    Hera's 5th Birthday Photos

    Happy 5th Birthday Hera :D
  15. monstertankman

    Hera (Parsonii girl) Having Surgery

    Good to hear she's on the mend jann.
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