Recent content by MissMichaelaH

  1. MissMichaelaH

    Female Spaying...?

    My female Vieled became egg bound in february. She had produced around 50 eggs and would not lay. During surgery it was decided to spay her for her own health due to the large amount and positioning of the eggs. She did fantastic afterwards. Recovered so well and became so healthy. However he...
  2. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    Just want to add that up until today she has been fine. Showing amazing bright colours even slight hints of blue and orange some days. Her temps are monitored much better with 3 thermometers and a working thermostat. Hoping it's just the hot weather. I keep her tank wet for her and I have a fan...
  3. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    So it's been 5 months since her surgery. She has a brand new home bigger and better for her. However this morning I noticed her scratching at her substrate. I don't know if it's the heat or the fact I have this new ornament like roots wrapping around itself and is hollow and if she is just...
  4. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    They did spay her yes and it's only been 2 days bless her
  5. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    She made it through the surgery fine! They removed about 80 eggs from her. Her tank has been updated with temperature probes so I can monitor the temperatures properly. She is now more aggressive than before. I know it will be just because she's frightened but if walk past her tank she hisses...
  6. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    Sorry it's been a while before I've posted anything. I wasn't happy so took her to the vets yesterday and got terrible news. She's egg bound and you can see follicles on the cray aswell. It is very early stages so hopefully should go well. We have surgery today. I'm petrified and heartbroken. I...
  7. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    I've just taken this picture of her. What is everyone's thoughts? She looks so much better than last night I think I'll still be keeping a close eye on her!
  8. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    Hi thank you for all your guidance. The shop i bought her from (which goes by the name of a reptile centre) gave me printed out care sheets and gave me a website to go to for extra help. So i had read them thoroughly but obviously I have just been reading the wrong stuff! I naively assumed the...
  9. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    I was told to use 100 watt heat bulb is that too high? I haven't got a thermostat at the minute but I will be getting one hopefully today or tomorrow Also they also said this small vivarium would suit her for all her life. Me and my partner totally disagree and want to get a much larger cage...
  10. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    So when I got back from work yesterday she was still laying in the same spot at the front of her tank. I was worried so me and my partner attempted to get her out. I managed to hold her which is the first time ever! And she seemed to perk up already. We put her on top of her laying bin and this...
  11. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    I'm sorry I had read online these temps were ok? It's also the guide lines where given by the pet shop. I thought I was doing everything right I didn't realise :(
  12. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    Not 2 Not 2 degrees 27 sorry
  13. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    After 7pm her tank drops to 2 degrees Celsius. And after 7am it goes up to 33 degrees Celsius. This is just based on the centre of the tank.
  14. MissMichaelaH

    Female Vieled Chameleon possibly trying to lay eggs? help!

    The only issue is I work 12 hours a day so when I get back she's usually asleep. And shes alzo really aggressive towards me and dont want to stress her out anymore. I will try and see if I can get some time off for it.
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