Recent content by Jwspong

  1. J

    Please help! Panther Chameleon tongue sticking out?

    Hey, sorry to bring an old post up but I am experiencing the same problem. My Panther is only about 4 months old. Did your chams tongue ever stop sticking out? Thanks!
  2. J

    Veiled chameleon egg help!!!!

    I've heard about the sweating of the eggs. I've been checking every few days lately. Will the eggs eventually start to mold if they are no good? Maybe I could get a heater? Or best to just leave it for now?
  3. J

    Veiled chameleon egg help!!!!

    There was a yellow yolk sack. He was completely inside the sack when I opened it.
  4. J

    Veiled chameleon egg help!!!!

    Eggs are kept in a small container in a closet wrapped in towels. Temperature around 72 degrees F. Positive it was alive. Should I maybe get a heater and raise the temp a bit?
  5. J

    Veiled chameleon egg help!!!!

    Hello all, I've been incubating my veiled chameleon eggs in a Tupperware container with vermiculite for approximately 10 months now. Eggs look good, when holding a light to them I see veins. I was starting to doubt them because it was taking so long for them to hatch so I cut one open and...
  6. J

    Nosy Be help with sexing

    Helllooooo, just picked up this 3 month old nosy be. Wondering if anyone could please help me with the sex? Can see a little bit of blue/green on the face and a bit of blue/red on the side. Hopefully the pictures are enough to tell. Thanks!
  7. J

    Need help with sex!

    Hey, don't mean to steal your post... But can anyone please help me sex mine as well please? Nosy Be about 3 months old. Thanks!
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