Recent content by AtAllCost

  1. A

    New Open-enclosure

    Thanks for reminding me about the UVB It was set up higher for the faux focus I had in there and I forgot to move it down. It is just 2 4x8 pieces of plywood that I cut a foot off of to make the front to walls, and sanded down smooth with a few coats of paint and clear. I wanted to build...
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    New Open-enclosure

    It's a few branches zip tied to the walls and each other, I had a faux 6' ficus in there for a while but I wanted something more natural and aesthetically pleasing than an office plant. Plus it keeps the humidity up better
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    New Open-enclosure

    Thank y'all, it's kind of hard to see in the first picture but there's actually a little 12" wall that keeps him in. It's all slick enough to keep him from getting a grip
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    New Open-enclosure

    I wanted to have something in my apt that would not be permanent and would be a large natural looking enclosure for my panther without him having access to roam everywhere. This way I don't have to worry about him and still give him plenty of space but without the cage look and feel. I have been...
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    Cricket Keepers

    easy as 5 dollars at wal-mart, cut some holes and cover with screen if you like but i just leave the lid off
  6. A

    Show me dem blue bars!

    heres my lil guy 10 months from curt,
  7. A

    trying out my Iphone 4s camera - boys free range

    they do have auto focus and a tap focus so you can focus in on particular things
  8. A

    >:( i need big help

    i live in austin too best thing to do is take hime out early morning. even late afternoon its still in the 100's here
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    "Chameleon proof"

    yeaa, thats not true man sometimes they just get curious
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    werner chameleon

    touche lol but your logic is slightly flawed as your still technically comparing the two. and if you want to really get into technicalities the definition of contrast is... to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences. therefore, in comparison the panthers are harder to maintain. nice...
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    werner chameleon

    but you just did compare the two by saying they are different and more difficult to raise... just an observation.
  12. A

    health concerns

    a uvb shouldn't be making it that hot
  13. A

    mistking clogged ?

    pet stores will usually sell it to you for cheap. just bring your own container and they will fill it for you
  14. A

    can i

    well your sort of right but foil does not absorb heat tremendously, it is an extremely effective thermal conductor so it transfers heat very fast which is why even after being heated in an oven you can touch it almost instantly after being taken out and it will be cool to the touch. it does...
  15. A

    new pics

    does he have a circle too? kinda looks like it but i can't tell
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