Cage Critique


New Member
This is my brand new redesigned cage, I keep redoing cause of all the great suggestions you guys give me. I am using a reptisun 5.0 and a 57w regular incandescent house bulb. Hopefully I finally have everything right according to chameleon forums standards :). I also modified my drainage system; I cut out a hole in the middle of the PVC instead of my original mesh idea. Im using four ficus benjimina plants and fake plant vines, which are much easier to clean compared to the fake mossy bendy vines.

From this:

To this:
I think the basking spot is a little too close. Is there a branch within about 6 inches of the light? If so, it's too close.
I think the basking spot is a little too close. Is there a branch within about 6 inches of the light? If so, it's too close.

Your right, for him the temp was way hot. I am still in the process of finding the sweet spot for the lamp height.
Good to know you found that out already. I don't know what the required temp is for a Rudis but I'm sure you know already.

If you have a temp probe (or whatever they're called, I need to go to bed!) those are great.
Good to know you found that out already. I don't know what the required temp is for a Rudis but I'm sure you know already.

If you have a temp probe (or whatever they're called, I need to go to bed!) those are great.

I bought a double prob temperature/hygrometer made by Zilla, it works great. Temps for rudis are best around low 80s, its currently reading 82.7 :)
I would think the drainage system would be a more effective if the bucket/collector was wider than the bottom of the cage simply because your floor is solid. The water will run to the lowest point which hopefully has the collector right below it. It's a little hard to tell if you've already done this.

I like the collector to be larger than the cage bottom on all sides. If you're having trouble finding any suitable options... you can use:

1) Paint Tray
2) Washing Machine Drip Pan

MY FAVORITE OPTION 3) Monster Size Paint Tray - I used a wood/spade drill bit to make a hole and added a valve to drain the water when I want to.

Or check out these threads:
Molded Drip Tray
Custom Trays & Other Solutions
Heika's Setup
Sweet links. I actually have my hole cut right in the center of the PVC and the plant is placed right on top of it. It's a small hole so the bucket is plenty big enough to catch the dripping water. I'll know within the next couple days if its a good drainage solution.
Sweet links. I actually have my hole cut right in the center of the PVC and the plant is placed right on top of it. It's a small hole so the bucket is plenty big enough to catch the dripping water. I'll know within the next couple days if its a good drainage solution.

the cage looks great, any pics of drainage?:confused::)
The bucket hasn't collected any water yet :(. The hole in the center of the PVC is only as big as a quarter. Should it be any bigger?

I can't honestly tell you a hole in the bottom of your cage is ever a good idea. Are you free-ranging insects or strictly cup-feeding? If you were strictly cup-feeding I guess a hole is not such a bad thing, but beware insects can come and go using that hole. I have heard horror stories of chams eating poinsonous insects and promptly dying. Just a word to the wise. ;)
I can't honestly tell you a hole in the bottom of your cage is ever a good idea. Are you free-ranging insects or strictly cup-feeding? If you were strictly cup-feeding I guess a hole is not such a bad thing, but beware insects can come and go using that hole. I have heard horror stories of chams eating poinsonous insects and promptly dying. Just a word to the wise. ;)

I have screen mesh covering the hole so no sneaky bugs can escape.
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