Spring 2011 Growth update!

Here is finally an update on Leo and Drakes' growth during the past several months. It's been a long winter here so they're both anxious to get some real sunshine this spring. At least I'm anxious for them. Leo's growth has been steady and he's leveled off pretty much at around 214 grams, although I'm sure he's still go some growing to do. His colors have become a bit more subdued in the past few months, not sure if this is just due to lack of sunshine or what this is. He has been very "aquabluemarine", as you can see in the pics. He also displays the dark splotches sometimes which then disappear quickly. I'm hopeful that he'll start to show more of his reds and yellows again this spring.

Drake on the other hand, has been in a state of decline since about the first of the year. I posted about this on the forum also, and a recent trip to the vet revealed that he has the beginnings of MBD. I'm very glad I took him to the vet when I did, and now I have confidence he'll make a full recovery. I'm following the vet's instructions which are to give him Repcal mixed in water (orally by syringe) every day for 30 days. Then he said to keep giving it to him this way once a week and not worry about dusting his food. I'll give this a try and see if it works.

Growth chart:

Here are some Leo pics:




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