best way to clean a cage


New Member
what do you guys do to throughly clean the cage? i feel like i should clean everything including the leaves because im sure they are dirty. any suggestions for an easy way to do a through job? thanks
what do you guys do to throughly clean the cage? i feel like i should clean everything including the leaves because im sure they are dirty. any suggestions for an easy way to do a through job? thanks

I use a pump sprayer and a steam cleaner, both I found at Wal-Mart at good prices. I spray all the plants with water using the pump sprayer, in order to move debris (i.e. poop!). Then I use the steam cleaner and pump sprayer to clean the cage and remove debris. It works really well and makes the job fast.
would it be possible for you to give me a link or show me a picture so i know what to be looking for? thanks!


I got the pump sprayer from Wal-Mart for 10 dollars and the steam cleaner from Walgreens for 24 dollars.
awesome thanks. im assuming the steamer is the one that actually cleans. how exaxtly does the steamer clean anyway? does the heat kills off the bacteria or something?
Cush - unfortunately those cheap steam cleaners are not adequate for thorough cleaning. Great for light cleaning, but they arent hot enough to disinfect.

Steam is a good option, but you have to spend a bit on a good unit.
White Vinegar is also a good cleaning option. As is hydrogen peroxide.
i have a lot of hydrogen peroxide but im not sure if i have vinegar. does this mean i have to use cotton balls and clean each leaf one individually?
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