Yemen Chameleon?


New Member
Hi, i am new to this forum, and i do not yet own any species of chameleon, or reptile. I would like to know if a Yemen/Veiled chameleon would be a ideal first reptile, and also any info would be great. I have looked around the internet but every website seems to say something different. Thanks :)
I personally think a bearded dragon is one of, if not the best for a first reptile. They are very tame, like to be held and are VERY easy to care for.

Chameleons require a lot more time and money, and don't like to be touched much (it will stress them). Chameleons may look nicer but if you want something that is hardy then the bearded dragon can't be beat.

I have heard that the easiest Chameleon to take care of is the Vieled. That is what I got for my first. I don't know what would make them the best other than they don't tend to get as stressed as the others.
OK, thanks, i will do some research on bearded dragons then. I have heard theY cost a LOT to feed because they eat so much, is this true?
I don't think they cost a lot. I fed mine a mixture of hard food (store bought), then fresh veggies, crickets and meal worms. The crickets I would buy for 2.00 for 100 at a bait shop, then would gut load them (because a bait shop won't even feed them!). Meal worms you can pick up 50 or like 3-4 at a pet shop as well.

I think overall they would be the same or less than a cham, but that is me. I would think a full grown cham would eat as much as a full grown beardy.
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