Worried about his feet


New Member
well, I don't have a photo of it yet, but basically i was watching him this morning paw against the mesh as he usually does, as his nails have ground down and he can't grip the mesh, i also noticed that in doing so he has rubbed his feet a little raw, NO blood and it looked like one of them have started to heal.

but it was red and raw, so obviously i need to put some kinda of gripable style mesh inside for him to climb the walls on, and hopefully an antibiotic to keep his feet clean.

the raw rubbing was exactly were he was pawing at the mesh, so i could only imagine this would be the case, if not any other ideas?

also his nails have not fallen/torn out/off but are rather rubbed down to the nub, will they grow back?
Sometimes you can keep them off the mesh by providing more branch climbing pathways around the cage. Or, (I know it sounds odd) you could try to find some fish net or game net (any type of woven netting) and cut pieces to fit on the inside of the cage mesh. Chams also paw the cage because the space is too small or too low to the ground or because they are trying to get to a better spot in the room. They like to look down on everyone. Really watch those feet. Foot infections can be hard to treat. You can put some Polysporin without pain relief on the pads.

As for the claws, if they are worn down they may not grow back much at all. At least worn claws on my adult chams didn't tend to.
How many climbing structures do you have in your enclosure? Do you have any pictures of it? I agree with Carlton, if you add more things to climb on, your chameleon is less likely to hang out on the sides of the cage.
4 biovines, 1 4' ficuses which goes out in all directions, 6 verticle up down branches, 1 pothos with vines hanging down to the bottom, his cage is about 1' from teh ceiling in my room,

so he is at about 7' high at the highest point of his enclosure.

his enclosure is 2'x2'x4' the typical size enclosure for an adult, on the weekends i take him out of his enclosure and he has the run of my room with all the other ficuses i have in here.

that could be the problem.

i will pick up some poly sporin to help treat it.

i think i will have to line the cages with large sized octogonal 1" clothwire.

at the moment it is not hindering his movement, and he is still fully using all 4 feet, and his grip appears to be fine.
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