What locale is this Panther?


New Member
Hi guys, my first post on here, been browsing for ages :) Was just wondering if anyone could tell me what locale this panther is? Its from the Aquarium Design Group (ADG) website, the one in their paludarium. Its my idea of the perfect looking chameleon :)


Many thanks

Im not extremely experienced when it comes to naming locales as I have never seen something other than ambanja or ambanja nosy cross.

But my best bet would be ambilobe and it is very beautiful, if you decide to buy one. . . dont make me to jealouse with pictures :)

And welcome to the forum! :)
That is a gorgeous cham. Keep in mind that because a panther is is advertised as this or that locale it may not grow up to be the color you expected. The best way to purchase a panther locale is to buy from a reputiable breeder and see the sire and dam. That way you have an idea of what to expect. By buying from a pet store, 99% of the time they don't have a clue. We have some excellent breeders on this forum and you can check the classified section.
Yeah I've done a ton of research on them, just couldnt figure out what this one was! I love the green/blue/purple coloration, but it has the pattern of a blue bar/red bar ambilobe?

Yeah theres plenty in the classifieds that I would love to buy, but unfortunately im from the UK :(
It looks like a blue barred ambilobe. But theres no way of knowing for sure. It could be a cross. As Draet stated best to buy from breeders as they will tell be able to show dame & sire. Good luck its always fun to cham shop. Jmo but ive dealt with several breeders. (Heroic Chams is a sponsor and chucks a great guy) also kaleidiscope chams have some awesome bloodlines also if your loooking for a panther.
There is this one breeder who I've seen on RFUK, and I believe Oski has a male from him. He has beautiful sires :)
Yeahh ive been in touch with someone on there, doesnt have any Blue Bars until Xmas time though :( Might have to go see his collection and see what catches my attention!
Yeahh ive been in touch with someone on there, doesnt have any Blue Bars until Xmas time though :( Might have to go see his collection and see what catches my attention!

Do it! One of the males might knock your socks off! The adult males are even more impressive in person :)
Its a cross for sure, the almost florescent gives it away. Crosses are the best for color. Ambaja/ambilobe. check out screameleons.com. they have VERY similar crosses in that section. Either way he is sick!!!!!!!
to be honest i think its a diego suarez maybe a cross of it but i've seen ambanja/ambilobe crosses they just dont really add up to this guy...i dunno maybe its just me...
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