videos of melleri on the MD


New Member
My computer-talented friend just added the video format to the MD site. It has the bottom menu button on the home page.

The only thing still lacking are the individual vid credits. He is working on adding these. The first two vids are his, of the WC females here in the studio free-range. They had been here only three days when those were filmed, so ignore the label "rehabilitated". They were so skinny then, and man their skins looked poor. They glow now! And... hmmm... apologies for the sounds of SeaLab blaring. Just put it on mute. I always have something playing while working in the studio.

The next videos are Elliot and Sandy's, and the last two are Mike Monge's. I thought it would just link to those vids already on YouTube, not physically show them on the MD. Is this OK with you guys? As I said, authorship labels coming soon. More videos of melleri behavior are wanted, send 'em my way!

What do you think of it so far?
I always enjoy watching videos, but their is one video you need to get on you site.
The fight scene between the two males in Life in Cold Blood.
I'm not sure if they will allow you, but it dosent hurt to ask.:D

Kudos for the great site!
Good Luck
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