Veiled gravid coloration?


New Member
Hi im just wondering when a female Veiled shows her gravid colours is this only when they have been mated with a male, or/and when they produce eggs without a male? Im a bit confused.

My female has just not long ago got her adult colours, robin blue spots etc.

I have cut her feeding back, she has NOT ever been with a male.

But the last few days her colours seem really bright/intense, lots of blues and yellow/orange stripes on the face. She is still bright lime green never dark green, but has these stripes and spots and looks very colourfull, maybe its her adult colours still forming?

She is still eating, no interest in the laying bin, im just confused if she may be working on a batch due to her colours? I am a bit consfused if they always show dark gravid colours when forming eggs or when mated and forming eggs?

Some pictures:confused:

She is alot brighter than the pictures show her green is so light but the camera does not pick it up almost lime green/mustard ,



How old is she now? It could be that she is receptive - that is what the brighter colours mean I think! My first female never showed any colouring whilst gravid (infertiles) - she was always the same colours in varying degrees of brightness. The only time I ever saw her dark was when she was actually in the hole and laying them. She is looking beautiful!
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