Their Hatching!!!!


New Member
They are finally hatching, so far I can see 15 out of 40 little green heads poking out. This is so cool.:D I have there cages all setup and ready and have pinhead crickets ready for them to eat as soon as they fully emerge. THe first head poked out this morning around 7:30am.About how long until they fully come out? I can't wait, there heads look really good and green I just can't wait until they start cruisin around. As soon as they come out I am going to place them in there cage that has uvb and a little heat lamp all ready hooked up on the timer.

I read that if they take longer than a day to emerge than I should help them. Is that true? I really don't want them to bother unless necessary, I am really careful when it comes to them and I don't want to mess anything up. I'm sure I am just stressing out about it. This is so exciting. :eek::D:):D:eek:
If i were you i wouldnt even have a heat/nasking lamp for the first couple of weeks! low/mid eighty's are appropriate temps for hatchlings. Ive never hatched any chams myself yet but i have a gravid female veiled so im always lookin for info on keeping the baby's and this is what ive found. I can only imagine how excited you are, just thinking about having a bunch of hatching chams gets me pretty pumped too. Congrats but the hard part isn't over yet! Hopefully some more experienced breeders will chime in.
Are these your first?

Yes they are my first hatchlings ever. They are veiled chameleons. The basking light is just a 60 watt bulb that won't increase the basking spot more than 78F. I keep on checking on them, I am getting so anxious for them to start walking around. After 9 months of incubation, it is about time they hatch. It is incredibly to see them coming out. Anyone know about how long it should take them to get completely out of the egg once there head is out? I don't even know what to do with myself, I am so excited for them to start walking around already.
Just resist the temptation to aid or help them let them do there thing if some don't make it it wasn't meant to be. Congrats and good luck.
Ideally you should let them cruise around in your container until the egg sack has been completely absorbed as well before placing them in a enclosure... I learned the hard way, it can get stuck on about anything and can cause problems really quick and shorten their chances of survival...good luck
Congrats on the babies. I have 26 Veiled eggs due within the next month or so plus another 57 that won't hatch until next fall. They will be my first babies too.

I would love to see some pics when you get a chance. Im going to try and get a short video of mine hatching when the time comes.

Good Luck and keep us posted. :)

Dyesub Dave. :D
There are 10 out and walking. I placed them in a glass tank today and lightly misted them so they could drink. I also put the pinheads in there but I have not seen any of them eat. The crickets stay at the bottom of the tank while the chams are up higher. The PHs are so small they are ant size. Any advice on what I should do to make sure they will eat?
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