RIP Camo 3/2011- 2/2012


New Member
I lost my first veiled Chameleon today. I bought him from a pet store last Winter(first mistake). I am so incredibly sad over his loss, yet I feel his relief. He had been a super healthy little guy for the first 9.5 months of his life and then he developed a sore on his tongue that never went away. I feel I did everything right but just don't know how he got this sore on his tongue. He had the proper cage size, water system, lighting, variety of food, humidity, plants, supplements, etc. The vet gave him a 50/50 chance of surviving. He gave up eating a month ago when this sore developed, but I tube fed him for over a month in the morning and afternoon like the vet told me too, plus flushing his mouth with antibiotics. He drank plenty of water everyday, and i didn't handle him just to keep him as stress free as possible. I just don't know what else I could have done. I love Chameleons and am so afraid I did something wrong that maybe I don't deserve another one. We had a little burial for him today and all of my nieces and I cried because we loved him. I will forever miss my Camo!! I have learned sooooo much more about Chameleons than I ever thought I would and will continue to research them and how to improve on taking care of them and bettering their lives!!
im so sorry for your loss R.I.P Camo :( sounds like you did everything you could. dont give up, chams need good homes and people who care about them.
so sorry you lost your chameleon. It sounds like you did everything you could and gave him a great life, even though it was all too short. RIP :(
so sorry R.I.P Camo, thats so sad, i too have a veiled named camo.
it sound like you had a great time with him.
notice this is your first post as well.. sorry to find us that way
i say you deserve another cham and we are here to help now,
again sorry
I am so very sorry to hear about your special Camo. They sure can grab a hold of our hearts. Please know you are in my thoughts during this very sad and difficult time.
i want to say I am sorry also. i know how it feels, I lost a panther on Monday that was 8 years old, I got him when he was 2 months. I know you will have learned a lot form your Camo before he left you. Now we just need to make sure you know all that you need to keep your next cham as healthy as you can. Sometimes things are just beyond out control, so we work on the ones we can control. RIP Camo
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