Reptisun VS Reptiglo


New Member
I think I've already asked this in another thread but never got an answer I think because the question I asked was a tangent off the actual thread topic.

Anyways...does anyone know the difference (if there is one) between reptiSUN bulbs and reptiGLO bulbs? I was advised by a senior member here to get a reptisun 5.0 for UV and mistakenly got the reptiGLO 5.0 when I went to my local pet shop and I'm not sure if it's quite right......see, my male jackson is used to his windowsill light(which is pretty much full sun all the time) and so when I put that dinky little tube flourescent in there he doesn't even seem to notice it. Is the reptisun any different? Brighter maybe?
The reptisun puts out mmore UV for the chameleon. Its not a matter of how bright it is, just its effectiveness. Although I have used repti-glos in the past, i like the repti-suns much more.

HiroProtagonist said..."my male jackson is used to his windowsill light(which is pretty much full sun all the time)"...if the window is shut the chameleon won't be getting any (hardly) UVB through it.

Regarding the two lights...I have never used reason...but I do like the ReptiSUN best out of the other bulbs I have used. I try to stick to one brand for consistancy.
The window is open most of the time. I also take him outside every few days. I just like to have a few tube lights around in case for whatever reason I'm not able to leave my window open. 90% of the time though, the window being open is not a problem.

Next time I'm at the reptile shop I'll grab a ReptiSUN and see if I notice a visual difference or a change in my chameleon's behavior versus the ReptiGLO. I'm going to have to get a new bulb eventually anyways, might as well be prepared.

Thanks all.
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