Quick Question!


New Member
Hi All

I have a quick question....

I know that my veiled cham is likely to lay eggs even if she isnt mated,

But my question is, how will i know if she has eggs? Also, when should i put a laying box in if she does produce eggs? I dont want to leave it too late and distress her incase she becomes egg bound.



Thanks, i have been reading that link and am trying to stick to it to keep her from laying as im terriefied that she will get egg bound.

Are there any obvious signs that she has produced eggs? Or is carrying eggs?

Thanks again :D
They will generally look fatter and towards the end you will be able to see the outline of the eggs just above her back legs. Lily's eggs showed like this approx 10 days before she laid. Also, before laying they may not eat for a few days. Lily didn't eat for about a week before 'lay day'.
Thanks for the help!

Sorry to be a pain but how do i set up a laying box? I know 50/50 sand and peat mix thatll hold her tunnel. Is something about the size of a loaf of bread big enough?

Her viv is 24 x 24 x 36.

Thanks :)
I used two different containers so Lily had a choice - one was about loaf size and the other was a 4 litre icecream tub. She used one for one clutch and the other for the second clutch! Just make sure that you keep it damp enough as the heat in the cage will dry the medium out. The larger the container the better really but about 12 inches I think is the norm. However deep the medium is they will dig to the bottom. The container needs to be big enough for the cham to fit in when it's empty with room around her on all sides.
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