Prude Chameleons?


Established Member
I have two pairs of panther chameleons who are refusing to breed. My pair of ambilobes were housed together for two and a half days and they never even took notice of one another. I blame that on the male. I also have a pair of ambanjas that do not want to breed. My female is a beautiful peach and pink like she is ready but as soon as she sees the male, she is immediately black and orange. Any thoughts will help. Thanks
Well there are some males that just don't show any interest. You really can't do much with them. And as far as a female showing red and can't make her receptive, it will take some time. I have had some that were gravid but still showing a peachy color until I show them a male, then they turn black and red. So, basically for some reason she isn't ready yet. Just wait a week or two and try again. She may have an infertile clutch developing right now and that is why she isn't showing receptive colors.

Maybe you should just play some Barry White for them!! ;)

I'm not sure about panthers but with veileds you sometimes have to introduce them a few times several weeks apart. The males never seem to have a problem but the females sometimes do. ( So basically like humans!! LMAO )

Dyesub Dave. :D
Chris I was afraid someone was going to say that. I hope that does not hold true forever because my male ambilobe is awesome and the male ambanja that I bought from Josh definitely needs to procreate. I will just continue to try my luck and see what comes of it.
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