New Pygmy Cham discovered + Vids


New Member
MOUNT MABU, Mozambique — The normally serious British scientist shouts with delight like a young boy.

“This is new to science!” he exclaims, pointing to the small reptile blinking at his flashlight. “We came here especially to find a new species of chameleon, and this is it!”

He handles the tiny little hatchling chameleon with care, like a lady looking over a fine diamond.....

Thats awesome. I think it would be awesome to do something like that where you get to go describe new species that haven't been recorded yet. I wanted to get into bioprospecting with a pharmacuetical company because they do basically the same thing, but I ended up changing directions in school.
Hmm, given the location of Mt. Mabu and the look of the true chameleon they found, I wonder if this is a new species of Nadzikambia... It'll be interesting to hear what they decide they each are.

Amazing, and done with Google Earth!!
So, what new virus is gonna come outa this area and wreck havoc??
Okay! who is going to go over there and bring us back some chameleons? :D
Yeah, I believe Chris is complete right here, it seems to be a new species of the strange Nadzikambia genus ;)
I bet that in Mozambique are still some more species ready to discover until now the known number of chameleon species there isn't really big.
There are also living to amazing Rhampholeons (Bicuspis), gorogonsae and marshalli :)
Yeah, I believe Chris is complete right here, it seems to be a new species of the strange Nadzikambia genus ;)
I bet that in Mozambique are still some more species ready to discover until now the known number of chameleon species there isn't really big.
There are also living to amazing Rhampholeons (Bicuspis), gorogonsae and marshalli :)

Absolutely right. At first glance, the pygmy chameleon they found could easily be a Rhampholeon (Bicuspis) species as well. Obviously its hard to tell from the images shown but I definitely think the other could be a new Nadzikambia. Time will tell.

Okay! who is going to go over there and bring us back some chameleons? :D

I go to Mozambique every two years or so, I'll pick up a few at the gift shop next time I'm there :D

But seriously amazing country, some of the best scuba in the world.
Very interesting indeed!

The one is a Bicuspis of course, I would be careful with the somewhat obscure Nadzikambia, it might be a new Kinyongia easily as well... Look at the white lines on femurs - typical for some Kinyongia...

Discoveries like this are always unlimited fun, joy and adventure... I have several in my trackrecord and I always enjoy it soooo much!

Anyone interested to "discover" a one-horned jackson-like species with me? :)
If so, write me a PM :)

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