New from Belgium.


New Member
Hi everyone, we are Tamara and Kevin, we live in Belgium and are new to this forum.

We have been succesfully keeping and breeding many different species of gecko's for several years now, we also keep a few frogs, a corn snake and a cat.

And yesterday we have ordered our first chameleon, A 3 month old Furcifer pardalis Tamatave male. :)

We have joined the forum in the first place to learn as much as we can, we have a few good friends that are keeping and breeding cham's for years so we have some very good teachers, but one could always learn more so here we are. :)

For those interested we keep the following species of gecko's and frogs...

Lepidodactylus lugubris
Hemidactylus imbricatus
Hemidactylus frenatus
Gekko gecko
Gekko vittatus
Eublepharis macularius
Hemitheconyx caudicinctus
Ptychozoon kuhli
Cyrtodactylus fumosus
Correlophus ciliatus
Mniarogekko chahoua (mainland)
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Bavayia cyclura
Gehyra marginata
Strophurus ciliaris
Strophurus taenicauda
Strophurus spinigerus
Strophurus krisalys
Lygodactylus williamsi
Phelsuma grandis
Phelsuma standingi
Phelsuma abbotti chekei
Phelsuma klemmeri
Uroplatus henkeli
Uroplatus lineatus
Paroedura masobe
Paroedura picta

Epipedobates tricolor
Boophis rappiodes
Dyscophus guinetti

If you have any questions please ask...

Greetings, Tamara and Kevin.
Welcome to the forums! :) That's quite a list of animals!!! :cool: Can't wait to get to meet some of them ;). And of course, your new Tamatave!!!

looking forward to seeing all these pets. you must spend alot on insects!! lol

Thanks everybody.
We breed most of our feeders ourself, otherwise one of us would need to take an extra job. Haha...

Will start a new topic with pictures of our gecko's for you guy's.., and girls. :)
Wow impressive list! Welcome to the forums, I'm still fairly new to theese forums but I've learned so much in the past little bit, this forum is great!
Did you actually get the lepidodactylus lugubris to reproduce??

Yes, but in our experience only when we keep them in groups from 3-5 animals, if we keep them individually they don't do anything.

If you keep them as a smal group, with lot's of foliage and good lights they produce lot's and lot's of.., clones. :D
We actually breed them and the H. frenatus in the first place as feeders for our bigger animals.
3 animals can produce abouth 60-70 baby's per season, and if you don't cool them down proparly they don't even stop for the winter. ;)

Why, no succes with them?
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