New Member
Today has been a blur, to say the least. After work I closed on my first house and will be moving in a very short amount of time. The panther eggs have finally started to hatch, and I don't mean sweating, I mean cute little babies all covered in vermiculite EVERYWHERE, and I have no food for their little mouths. All I have that *Could* be used is turkistan roaches, but they seem a little big, even the little tiny ones. Also, I have about 100 tiny fruit flies that can actually fly (they are household ff's, not store bought) I trapped all of them by luring them into a small Tupperware filled with fruit, sugar, and water. Could I somehow feed those off to the little fellas? This is a time sensitive matter and I really do appreciate any help that I can get. I usually am very good at preparing for things like this, I was just anticipating a little warning before I had neonates on my hands. Thank you all!!!
Also, if I am able to use the household ff's, how the heck can I feed them to the babies?

Also, if I am able to use the household ff's, how the heck can I feed them to the babies?