Mid Hudson Reptile Expo review


New Member
Seriously, people should supervise me when I go to reptile expos. I can't go by myself anymore!

I went to the Mid Hudson Reptile Expo and was originally driving down to just check it out. First thing I noticed was the complete infiltration of bearded dragons. There were so many, everywhere, in every color, in every price range. I, personally, don't like bearded dragons, and it seemed to me that not many other people did either. The big movers today seemed to be snakes and geckos of various breeds.

I did hunt down the chameleons. The first chameleons I saw was a cage of baby Jackson's. Good, strong and straight horns on the males and a beautiful female that I wanted to take home soooooooo badly but I told myself to keep looking around. Seriously beautiful, with that red color that I've never seen, except for online, in pictures. OH GOD WHY DIDN'T I BUY HER! /remorse

The next chameleons for sale were a few baby veiled. One male was a looker, for sure! He was no more than 3 or 4 months old and already had some yellows and his stripes starting to show. he was in a cage with a few other veiled, but none looked as developed as him.

Then I turned the corner and this guy was selling full set up for chameleons ($120 for cage, setup and cham, of various types). I saw a Senegal sitting in one of the cages and was sorely tempted to buy him, as well, but since I'm going to be moving to SoCal soon, I figured I'll just wait until I am out there.

The only other chams I found were a bunch more baby veileds, sitting in a cage. They looked very healthy and very strong, but very angry at being in a cage together. Luckily the cage was plenty large.

A lot of people were there - plenty of parents with kids and many people willing to educate. I even found out how to tell if an emperor scorpion is pregnant or not, because that is obviously an extremely useful life skill. lol

Overall, it was a small expo - not as big as LA or some other East Coast reptile expos I've been to, but worth checking out, if only for the cheap prices generally seen at expos.

I ended up leaving with crickets and those green tomato worm things and a new cricket keeper after I destroyed my last one by accident. Spent less than $30, including admission (which was $10) and left very satisfied. I don't if I'd go again, seeing as there would probably be the same people there, but it was worth checking out once.
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