Jackson chameleon sexual maturity age?

Uncle Carter

New Member
I will be receiving two six month old Jackson xanthopholus Chams next week. I was wondering what is their age of sexual maturity and what age would be the safest to breed them? I appreciate the feedback!:D
They could be sexually mature already. No real age or exact answer to this one. It is best to wait until the female is fully grown or close to it. Depending on when she actually became mature you may have to wait until her second development cycle in order for her to be receptive. She will excrete the placenta (I think you could call it that) regardless of whether she mated or not. Hard to explain what it looks like. You will know when you see it. Even though she does not produce eggs a pregancy can still be just as taxing on her body. If she where still in hard growth phases she might be denied various minerals, vitamins....etc...from producing babies. This is why you wait until she is well developed physically.

Sorry for the vague answer but no real way to say exactly.
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