I Have 3 Birthdays At My House Today


Chameleon Enthusiast
The Luie and Camille great grands are 2 years old today and I wanted to share some photos of my three. Up first is my precious girl Lottie. She is the sweetest most precious girl in the world. She is doing well but had a rough time a little over a year ago. She had eggs that she couldn't lay and had to have them surgically removed and was spayed at the same time. A tiny smidgen of an ovary was missed and the ovary grew back and she had the have a second surgery a few months later. The two surgeries caused a hernia on her belly and you can see the sagging belly a bit in some of her photos but as of now we are not doing a third surgery and just keeping a close eye on her. So far she does not seem to have any problems from the hernia.

Here's my sweet girl Lottie in the middle of a shed right now. She weighs 126 grams.






Up next is Amos. Amos was one of the runts in the clutch and when he came to me at 5 month old he was this tiny little brown baby and I never dreamed he would turn out so colorful. He's doing well now and weighs 190 grams.

Here's my handsome boy Amos



In the next few photos he saw his bother and showed off big time




Up next is my sweet boy Andy. He was the smallest of the runts and he and his brother has some MBD when they came to be. Andy had recovered nicely and if very healthy now. He's still a small veiled weighing 153 grams but he makes up for his size with a big personality. He reminds me so much of his great grandpa Luie.

Here's my sweet little Andy





Happy Hatchday Lottie - you are a sweet, sweet girl!
Happy Hatchday Amos - you have beautiful colors!
Happy Hatchday Andy - sometimes the best things come in small packages!

Jann, everyone looks great!

Thank you everyone for the hatch day wishes and the nice comments for the great grands. Even with my super busy job at H&R Block I tried to give the birthday kids a fun day. Lottie got to hang out on the free range on my front porch, Andy got to play in the jungle room and Amos hung out in Cooper's room for a few hours before I had to go to work. Oh and of course Cooper was not in his room. Tomorrow is food day and they will all have hornworms for a treat.
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