I am Worried my Chameleon may Burn Itself

Put your hand on that part of the screen (from the inside). If you can keep your hand there indefinitely without discomfort, the cham shouldn't get burnt.

If it's hot enough that you can't keep your hand there indefinitely, then you have to:
  • Raise the bulb (and possibly the basking site).
  • Mount the bulb at an angle to create an ovoid range of temperatures. Burn test still applies.
  • Use a lower wattage.
I will raise the bulb and basking site but I don't have anything on my wall to hang the bulb on to raise it. Any suggestions?
I made a stand out of pvc.
Here are a couple pics below:


I might have gone overboard with the hooks into the pvc, but it makes it ez to move the light if I need. Also, I am able to tilt the basking light to also hit the uvb branch perfectly. Ez to raise the bulbs up and down as well.
PVC is super cheap. Though I did use a pvc cutter which I already had--so make sure you have one.

This might go without saying, but I also used a yardstick to measure. It doesn't need to be a yardstick--but measuring definitely helps lol
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