Gutload oranges??


Avid Member
After reading brads blog i decided to set up a "last meal" gutload cage for my crickets to be used the night before feeding and after loading in the vegies i was trying to decide on a water source and the oranges i bought yesterday came to mind....Are they ok or is potato/comercial gels better


Oranges are one of the best hydration methods for crix. Don't remove it from peel. Cut up and serve. Potato is considered as a maintenance diet generally. Their last meal (or all meals) should consist of mustard greens, kale, dandelion, collard greens etc...

Kinyonga has a great cricket food sentence, which is a list of most complete cricket food.

Apart from that, never feed tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, avocado to any crix or veiled chameleons. These are high in oxalates and diminish calcium absorption.
thanks, i actually cut the orange in half then threw it away out of uncertainty. I guess i cut another
I dunno about crickets, but I use mainly oranges to hydrate my large colony of Blaptica Dubia(2000+).
Every other day, I replace the old eaten ones with new ones(mold is bad). I cut 2 oranges in halves and place a half in each corner of my tub. I also keep dry food in at all times.
this is just me but i bought gutload for crickets at which has everything in it that needs to be gutloaded but without me doing all the work. and i use oranges and replace them every other day to keep the little guys hydrated before they are devoured. seems to work well for me
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