Growing Question?


Established Member
I bought a 4 month old veiled cham back in august so hes about 6 months old now how big should he be. He seems a bit big for 6 months hes a foot long. Do veileds grow differently?
I just bought my Veiled Charm like 2 weeks ago the guy at the pet store told me that my new charm was 8 weeks old. He was way off. I asked the guys on this forms they told me to post a pic so i posted a few on my profile they told me he is 6 months so you can take a look at Zem and try to compair to yours i got a few pics with messurments on him so it might be helpfull! :D
I just bought my Veiled Charm like 2 weeks ago the guy at the pet store told me that my new charm was 8 weeks old. He was way off. I asked the guys on this forms they told me to post a pic so i posted a few on my profile they told me he is 6 months so you can take a look at Zem and try to compair to yours i got a few pics with messurments on him so it might be helpfull! :D

Thats okay, My petshop told me my veiled was a pygmy!:eek:
Flchams has a veiled breeder named Newton and he makes amazing colors. Making a lot of Blues and yellows. He has a clutch from Newton available now, if i'm not mistaken.
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