Getting chams out of cages?...

Pearl Fields

Avid Member
We’re going to be moving in a little over a month, so we will have to get Stormyspark Jr. (My chameleon) out of his cage. Anyone have any ways to get them out of their cages while making it as least stressful as possible? (Assuming he’s isn’t comfortable coming out by himself yet) thanks!
I will totally do that! If I can get him out in the first place. ? but maybe I’ll try to bribe him out with food on a sunny day and take him outside.
What time is it where you are? Sorry was just randomly wondering. It’s 12:52 am where I am

Edit: just ignore this didn’t even mean to send it
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When I had to get my veiled out quick for a vet appointment before we had bonded. She used to be super afraid of hands even if they had a bug and she would flatten herself up into a corner and gape or just drop to get away.
I grabbed a hibiscus branch from outside and tied some of the little branches together to make a make a scoop shape with lots of comfy places for her to grab and stand stable.
I slowly put the stick in front of her and held
It still While I slowly moved my hand toward her from the opposite side. She would move onto the stick no problem, slightly annoyed but way less aggravated than grabbing.
And after just a few times of using this method to pick her up I was able to replace the stick with my other hand and now she mostly is pretty easy to pick up.
My veil cham runs for the open door and hisses and opens mouth when I close it. Hard to get any work done in cage. I put in branch at night. LOL
Mine jumped on me from stick and then jumped on floor and ran across floor. I picked it up with it climbing on couch pillow and put him back in cage. They can break legs when they jump..
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