Feeding dubias


New Member
I know this has been brought up before, but I can't find the info. What do you feed dubias? I know cat or dog food is ok as long as you take out what you are going to feed off 24-48 hours ahead of time and veggies but nobody said wet or dry dog food. I'm going to start raising some so I need some guidance. Thanks!
To raise a colony and get them going, dog/rabbit food, orange slices, apple slices, carrots, sweet potato, cooked egg yolk mixed with oat meal. I think that's straight, you can feed them alot more. Switching their diet up keeps them eating like animal! lol
I, myself, feed my dubia colony this recycled chicken feed I purchased at a local farm feed store. It is made out of human grade cereals that "didnt make the cut" along with the additives that promote healthy chickens. I also couple their diet with various fruits, veggies etc.

It was really cheap and my Dubia's seem to be thriving well on it.
I only would feed dry dog food to your breeder dubia... 24-48 hours is really an insufficient amount of time to let them clear their systems of the high protein dog food. I don't even bother with the dog food, I just keep some cricket crack in with them, throw in some oranges here and there, some carrots, greens (things that your crickets would eat) I also keep them nice and warm, and I have LOTS of babies.
IMO If you are going to use dog food, I would just separate the babies out that you plan on feeding off and raise them on a better diet than just high protein foods.

Hope this helps

You can feed roaches the same food you'd give crickets. If you are growing the colony, not feeding them off to the chameleons, include more protein (fish food flakes, dog/cat food, egg, etc)

The only problem with wet dog food is that it goes bad more quickly. If you only put in an amount that will be full eaten in a few hours, this is a non-issue
Well it's been posted on here before that their metabolism pretty much clears everything out in 48 hours. But I only feed mine cricket gutload from start to finish.
I feed mine a variety and they have doubled in the last month Ive had them. Carrot shreds, apples, oranges, cucumbers, canteloupe, grapes,ect.. Anything organic. I do not keep my breeders seperate so whomever I choose it just random. If Leo looks hungry, he gets a large one.. if not, he'll get a juvi. Im trying to get my Red eye to take to the babies so I can be done with wretched crickets!!

Ive never tried dog food.. I dont know.. I just would never feed my cham dog food so not sure that Id want to feed it to his food either.. Just my thing.
Just bought some cricket crack and I have some dry dog food (my dog will have to share) if I decide to use that which I don't think so. I am starting out real small and will grow my colony hopefully quickly. So, I will try to feed them the most nutritious stuff possible. I won't be feeding them off for awhile though. Thanks everyone!
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