crossing locals

They are both panthers, so yes. However, I‘m not sure why one would want to. There are plenty of Ambilobe, but very few Vohemar, so producing a pure Vohemar would be more desirable. Plus, cross-locale breeding isn’t really good for the hobby…’muddies up’ the locale genetics.
Some breeders have been creating some beautiful “designer” hybrids by cross locale breeding. I don’t judge the practice.
Personally I think it is sad to dilute bloodlines by crossing. We may not always have the privilege of importing pure locales from Madagascar. If that were to stop and people continue to cross locales then we are going to only have impure bloodlines. I think humans can ruin the beauty we have and the honor of experiencing from nature. I do not understand why we have to do it with chameleons.
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Personally, I hate the crossbreeding of locales. There's so much more genetic difference aside from color of the chameleon, such as rostral projection, casque size, and even overall size of the chameleon. If genetics become muddled for the sake of "designer" chameleons, we lose what made each locale special in the first place.
They are both panthers, so yes. However, I‘m not sure why one would want to. There are plenty of Ambilobe, but very few Vohemar, so producing a pure Vohemar would be more desirable. Plus, cross-locale breeding isn’t really good for the hobby…’muddies up’ the locale genetics.
Disclaimer this is not slanderous to you or your comment ... It's just that your comment does provoke a thought

"Muddies up the genetics" makes me think about eugenics and breeding. And how we manipulate almost every domesticated species to selective breeding but the thought of doing so with humans is looked down upon. And on one hand we have eugenics (1883 breeding more selectively in humans) and then on the other hand crispr the technology ability to manipulate your offspring.

Crispr brings forth the deepest fears people had about eugenics but isn't met with the same rebuke as Galtons idea of selective human breeding aka eugenics (which was painted to be racist and immoral) however at it's base Eugenics literally means “good creation” in Greek

We see the bad creation in domesticated animals far too often by selectively breeding animals not fit to reproduce (Frenchie for instance are abominations) More than 80 percent of births require artificial insemination and C-section for French bulldogs.

To return to the O.P topic crossing locals , would the off spring be viable or ever introduced into breeding in captivity or the wild? Would they be pre disposed to illness or physical deformities? These are important questions to ask as many keepers have said if you have a cross local don't breed it further. This is a moral and ethical dilemma that we face but only implement on our pets and animal and exclude ourselfs as humans.

Hubris of man is appalling

While in humans the freedom and ability to mix and breed is not restricted whatsoever outside of your parents not liking your chosen mate. But with animals the idea of mixing is looked down upon depending on the animal. Clearly humans and chameleons have their obvious differences but in the sense of breeding this creates a logically dilemma none the less.

End rant
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