Crickets...interesting information....I hope!


Chameleon Queen
"Effects of Sex and Whole Life Cycle UVB Irradiation on Performance and Mineral and Vitamin D3 Contents in Feeder Crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus)"...
"We identified large differences between sexes in Ca, K, Mg and P (females higher) and Cu, Fe, S and Zn (males higher), likely linked to reproductive investment"...

"Female mating frequency increases with temperature in two cricket species, Gryllodes sigillatus and Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)"...
"If temperature affects female selectivity, then male mating success in different seasons may vary, with a wider range of males gaining the opportunity to copulate at warmer times of the year"...

White eyed mutants...
"The gwhite mutant crickets could show typical escalating aggressive behavior similar to that of intact pairs indicates that the mutation does not affect aggressive behavior itself"...
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