blatta lateralis problem


Established Member
I raised my adult veiled male from blatta roaches primarily. Seller of these told me they would not reproduce...riggghhhhhht. I knew a few of these escaped sometime last year in my basement.

Found a couple and squashed them. Saw a couple more, a bit larger, and squashed them too. Found some really, really tiny baby roaches and then became concerned. Now I am occasionally finding very nice sized blatta's from time to time.

My basement is vast and I keep a few fish tanks down there. I think combined moisture, occasional bits of fish food and warmth is letting these guys get a little "too happy".

I would like to snuff out this problem and actually breed the roaches in a controlled environment(plastic tub!). Have caught a few and saved them to start a colony. Would like to catch more and kill rest.

Any solutions to this problem? Would like to do something soon. It will be "on like Donkey Kong" if my wife sees a large roach cross her path.

Ack ... Depending on where you live. I'd buy a few Tokay geckos and let them loose. They'll take care of your problem :)
Ack ... Depending on where you live. I'd buy a few Tokay geckos and let them loose. They'll take care of your problem :)

Ohhhh, so you'd like my wife to end my life sooner???
I live in Iowa and our cat would probably love the tokay's...
I don't keep B. lateralis for just this reason.
I think they need to be identified as the pest species that they are.
I believe you are going to have some trouble eradicating this species.
Sticky traps may help as well as roach motels.
I wouldn't feed off any that you find, you have no idea what they've been into.
Sorry you got bad info on them.

Thanks for reply, Brad.
Yes, I am a little more than ticked about the mis-info I received. I'd be happy to "out" the offending party, but that business is under new ownership now.

I was thinking combination of glue traps and mashing any and all I can find, but I think I'm in for a task.

Wishing I would have found this forum sooner and asked about the blatta's potential to do this some time ago...
Yeah I wouldn't suggest keeping any you find not knowing what they ate like Brad said. I would also recommend Dubia's over Lateralis
I've found that if you take a plastic bowl at least a few inches high and wrap screening all around the outside with a little lip going to the inside; and then place roach food and fruit inside it does a fantastic job catching Lateralis. I actually wanted it to catch crickets, which it never caught, but I've caught a number of Lateralis with it. They just climb up the outside and fall into the food and can't climb the smooth sides to get out. I guess Cleveland, OH weather has some good points since none of them ever grew a bit or matured compared to the ones in my colony.

This has happened to a lot of people, although most will never say. I, too have a vast basement and live with an incurable packrat. The Loch Ness Monster could hide here. I have had blatta lats for a couple of years now running loose. I have found that it takes diligence to keep them at bay. If you are a night owl, or can train yourself to be, go down to the basement several times a night with a fly swatter, spray, whatever, and kill the ones you see, especially the adults. You'll find that after awhile ther will be slow periods where none can be found and then seasons that you see a few. You'll have to get them yourself and stick to it. i still see the occasional one but that's about one per week. Sticky traps and roach motels will also work. I wouldn't keep any adults you find. What else is in your basement? Paint supplies, laundry supplies, chemicals of any kind? Dispose any found roaches. They are available easily enough. Just go down nightly and you'll get a better control over them.

Do you have a furnace or boiler down there? They will always be near the heat or hiding under things near heat.
Welcome to my world. I purchased the lateralis a couple years ago (was told they cannot breed up here, CT) and successfully bred the damn things in tubs. Well a few got out and damn they are fast! I got rid of the colonies last spring and guess what, they are all over the house. I just put out some raid max bait last weekend and I have seen a few dead ones. I dont know how well it is working but I had never seen any dead ones laying around so I hope it is working. i bought 12 and put them all over the house. I figured it couldnt hurt to try them. Seems to be the only choice for us since we can't spray anything around the critters.

I am now breeding dubia and they are MUCH better, way slower and clumsy so they just dont get out and if one drops on the floor it is easily catchable. I have all sizes in the bins so all the critters, big and small have the perfect size.

Take care and good luck,
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