Best Potting Soil for Plants in Cage.


Chameleon Enthusiast
What are some steps that need to be taken when adding a new plant? Do they need to be cleaned and re-potted? If so, what is the best soil for indoors (do the kinds that say "less prone to gnats" work?) What about putting large pebbles on top of soil so cham cant ingest soil, is this needed? Thanks!
I would be suspicious of the "less prone to gnats" unless I was sure they weren't using an insecticide to achieve that goal. Anything in your soil will likely drain through your cage and could be ingested so organic soil is recommended but it is prone to gnats. There are natural predators, nematodes that are safe to use to keep the gnats down. Chameleons will occasionally eat soil, who knows why, so covering it with either ground cover plants (if you can keep them alive), screening or bigger than cham head sized rocks will prevent this.
Repotting is best because they will get a lot of water in the cage so making a drainage layer of gravel in the bottom of the pot will keep the roots drained and breathing.
More good info
I like Sunshine Mix#4 Extensionofgreen bragged about it so much, that I gave it a shot. I been using it in pots and now a Viv for about a year and it works great for me. It's pretty cheap too.

You can get a big bag of it at homedopt for 25 dollars.

And Gnats, your going to get gnats. Don't want gnats get some Carnivorous Plants that will deal with the gnats :).
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