Baaaaby panther, locale/sex help


New Member
As far as Locale...couldnt tell you.. too young and it looks like a female to me, i dont see a bulge and the tail look really thin at the base. the black marks could possibly be small scars from crickets or other babies it was housed with. hopefully one of the seasoned veterans can chime in with their expert knowledge
The black markations seem to be somewhat linked to stress/pattern, as they become more pronounced/change with handling. I've been monitoring this little one's health closely for about two weeks now because the appetite seems to be lacking, I'll be looking to start supplementing with repti-boost if I do see any solid weight loss...weighs in at only 2.15g's so inaction could become costly quickly IMO. Annd as soon as I can get a decent fecal I'll be taking that to the vet for analysis as well.

Thanks for your prompt reply at any rate!
Hi, welcome to the forums. The little black marks are probably scratches from being in with others. They will climb all over each other. Nothing to worry about, they will go away as she sheds. If you notice her getting black within her natural markings. This is because she is basically stressing.
Hi all, I know it's getting a little off-topic now, but I just wanted to give you guys a quick update.

Originally purchased a large repti-breeze, but given her tiny size I needed to give her something a bit smaller for hunting purposes. Purchased an 8 or so gallon zoomed enclosure, and made some modifications (an upturned bucket) to put the tank within range of the UV/heat output and I added a warm-mist humidifier:

Added a little bit of decor

Baby had her first shed yesterday, so as it turns out, those black markings were actually just the first hints at her pattern:

I was hesitant about purchasing her at all once you all confirmed she was a female, but I ultimately decided I liked her personality so much that I was going to have her no matter what.

I hope to post more in the relevant sub-forums throughout the year as she grows. Thanks for all of your help everyone!
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