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  1. D

    Lobster Roaches

    Would lobster roaches be a good feeder choice for my Jackson's chameleon. Is is better to feed them roaches instead of cricket. I would still mix it up with crickets every so often. Also what are the advantages disadvantges to lobster roaches compared to dubia roaches. Thanks
  2. D

    Breeding Jackson chameleons

    I was thinking of breeding my Jackson's chameleon once winter ends. I have had him now close to 4 years and he is very strong and healthy. I was recently talking to a panther chameleon breeder and she said that breeding Jacksons was very difficult. I thought it would be easier since they have...
  3. D

    Bearded Pygmy chameleons

    I was wondering how hard it is to breed bearded pygmy chameleons. What are the conditions I need to make them breed. Also does anyone know a good way of telling apart the males from the females? Thanks
  4. D

    Jackson's black splotches

    My Jackson's chameleon has a few dark-blackish splotches on his body. I was wondering if anyone knows what they are. He gets the correct humidity and heating (80%,70F). He has a very large screen cage so there is proper ventilation. I gut load his crickets. He has been eating fine and acting...
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