Search results

  1. M

    Anyone working wit F. Serratus in USA?

    I should have listened and get the second female when I got chance.
  2. M

    Anyone working wit F. Serratus in USA?

    Unfortunately, I could not save the female from Uri. Male is in great shape.
  3. M

    Bradypodion thamnobates

    Hi , Very much interested to get a couple or two B. Thamnomates , also B. Damaranum and B. transvaalense if possible. I am based out of USA. I just texted with Steve, he will not be doing the importing this year. Anyone else you are working with? Regards Murat
  4. M

    Anyone working with B. Thamnobates in USA?

    I would like to share notes.
  5. M

    Anyone working wit F. Serratus in USA?

    I have a very lonely male interested to share information.
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