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  1. dudeman728

    strict worm diet

    if i were to go on a strict worm diet, what variety of worms compliment each other best? i know that silkies can be a staple, but buying them all the time can be expensive. i plan to try and breed them, but even so, a variety is always the best bet so i was just wondering if any of you have a...
  2. dudeman728

    small silkworms and silkmoths

    hi i was wondering if small silkworms have a high death rate. i ordered 100 small silkies from mulberry and i noticed a lot of them are dying off. i was just wondering if it was normal for them at that age. also, i was wondering if there were any instructions on silkmoths. 2 of them hatched but...
  3. dudeman728

    reptisun 5.0

    wheres the cheapest place to buy a reptisun 5.0?
  4. dudeman728

    keeping the cage floor dry

    how do you guys keep your cage floor dry? i have been thinking about this ever since i wanted a mistking. once i get mine, i am probably going to let the mistking run for a bit just so it can water my plants at the same time. i was wondering how you guys keep the bottom from being soaked. i dont...
  5. dudeman728

    is this plant ok to use?

    i was wondering what this plant was and if it was ok to use for my cham
  6. dudeman728

    used basic mistking set

    i wanted to buy a used mistking set that was cheaper than a brand new one. thanks
  7. dudeman728

    silkworm chow

    how long does the premade silkworm chow last? i only wanted to buy 2 but i realized i should buy more since the shipping is so expensive. i plan to start breeding and it could take up to a month or 2 before i actually have silk worms from silk moths. i was also wondering if its better to get the...
  8. dudeman728

    do chameleons salivate before eating?

    ive been hand feeding cooper recently with silkworms and he doesnt trust me at first so he waits a while before actually taking it. i can see that he really wants to eat it cause he eyes it the whole time. this leads me to the question, does he salivate just like us when there is something tasty...
  9. dudeman728

    how do i breed silkworms?

    hi everyone! i picked up some silkworms at a local petstore today and i was wondering exactly step by step how to breed them. i read different things here and there like "gluing" them down but i have no idea what that means. im sure its been discussed in this forum already, but i already used...
  10. dudeman728

    Experience with Humidifiers?

    Anyone have experience with humidifiers for their cage? i really would like an automister, but i really dont have the money for that. humidifiers are much cheaper and the concept seems like it should work. please help me with ideas!! thank you guys very very much
  11. dudeman728


    hey everyone i just had a question about wax worms. cooper is a veiled chameleon and he is about 3 1/2 months old now. he is really healthy and his diet is mostly crickets. i recently got wax worms to try and hand feed him to trust me more. anyways, i was wondering how many wax worms is too...
  12. dudeman728

    whats the best way to earn the trust of a veiled chameleon?

    i was just wondering what methods some people used to gain the trust of their chameleon? whenever cooper sees me he runs away into his hiding spots and i can barely see him anymore. i know that chameleons fun loving animals who love to be held and stuff, but i was just wondering what is the best...
  13. dudeman728

    crickets are starting to get on my nerves...

    I don't understand why they keep dying. I provide them with food/water, plenty of ventilation, and an egg crate to hide in. What more do I need to do? I also dispose all the dead crickets to try and keep the tank clean. The dead ones smell really bad and the overall experience is starting to get...
  14. dudeman728

    best way to clean a cage

    what do you guys do to throughly clean the cage? i feel like i should clean everything including the leaves because im sure they are dirty. any suggestions for an easy way to do a through job? thanks
  15. dudeman728

    hydrogen peroxide

    Is it ok to use peroxide to clean the bottom of the enclosure? I just wanted to clean it thoroughly and I feel like soap sometimes doesn't do it. Thanks a lot
  16. dudeman728

    coopers tongue is black?

    Is this normal? I just noticed it today. most of his tongue is pink but I saw a lot of black. If this isn't normal, what are the potential causes of it? He doesn't show any other signs of health problems. Thanks a lot
  17. dudeman728

    Question about windows

    is it bad for my chameleon to be near an open window? i think i read somewhere that it might be. just wanted to clarify. what if the window was across the room?
  18. dudeman728

    Symptoms of RI

    how do i know if my chameleon has a RI? what are the major causes of RIs?
  19. dudeman728

    sleep during day

    i heard it is bad for a chameleon to sleep during the day. i catch my chameleon doing that sometimes and as i read more, i get worried more. my chameleon is only 6 weeks old so i just assumed that since hes a baby, he just sleeps more (just like other babies of different species). if this isn't...
  20. dudeman728


    i just read on the forums that if you use the powder too often, then that can also cause MBD. i have a 1 1/2 month old veiled and i use sticky tongue farms miner-all. on the instructions it said to dust everyday for growing chameleons. are these instructions wrong? should i be dusting less...
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