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  1. K

    An overview of reptile fungal pathogens in the genera Nannizziopsis, Paranannizziopsis, and Ophidiomyces…

    “Two recent molecular analyses of morphologically similar fungal isolates formerly grouped under the appellation "Chrysosporium anamorph of Nannizziopsis vriesii (CANV) complex" led to major taxonomic revisions and revealed new insights into the biology of these reptile pathogens.”…...
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    Leptin ameliorates the immunity, but not reproduction, trade-off with endurance in lizards…

    “We found that supplementary leptin rescued immune function in calorie-restricted, trained lizards, but reproduction was not rescued in males or females. This suggests that immune function and reproduction have different sensitivities to leptin in both sexes, or that reproduction is more energy...
  3. K

    Fecal adrenal hormone patterns during ovulatory and non-ovulatory reproductive cycles in female veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus)…

    “The knowledge gained from this model species could be instrumental to the understanding of normal and pathological reproductive events in other lizard species.”…
  4. K

    Bud commercial chameleons, frogs, etc.

    I didn’t know these were still on line….thought some of you might like to see them…
  5. K

    A Free Range Habitat for Meller's and Other Large Chameleons…

    “This instructible will show you how we designed and constructed a free-range habitat for our pet Meller's Chameleons.”… “we designed and built a large climate-controlled free range in one bedroom of our new house. We sought to mimic the African rainforest our pet chameleons come from.”…...
  6. K

    Impact of habitat alteration on endemic Afromontane chameleons: evidence for historical population declines using hierarchical spatial modelling…

    “We surveyed three chameleon species (Rhampholeon spinosus, Rhampholeon temporalis and Trioceros deremensis) along 32.2 km of transects and used a hierarchical, distance-sampling model to estimate densities.”… “Habitat loss and fragmentation have greatly reduced forest-dependent chameleon...
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    Dry Season Intersexual Habitat Partitioning by Flap-Necked Chameleons (Chamaeleo dilepis) in Kenya..

    “in a wooded grassland in cencral Kenya during the dry season, male and female cramaeieo dstepas exhibited ditterences in perch plants, perch heights, general body coloration, and rates of movemenc. By the end of the rainy season, the hrse three of these ditterences were no longer evident...
  8. K

    Patterns of morphological variation and correlates of habitat use in Chameleons

    “Our data reveal substantial variation among chameleon species in head morphology, limb and tail length, and dorsal crest development. Almost all variables increase interspecifically with body size; when size effects are removed, two patterns are evident. First, all traits within a functional...
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    More chameleon videos…

    Amazing chameleons on the hunt, chameleon species from wilderness of Africa, Madagascar, India!… Beautiful Footage: Chameleons Are Amazing | National Geographic…
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    Thought this was cute…
  11. K

    The double origin of Iberian peninsular chameleons …

    “Thirty-seven samples were analysed, and seven different haplotypes were detected”…
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    Just a few articles…

    “Reproduction of Chamaeleo chamaeleon under contrasting environmental conditions”… “Biodynamics of climbing: effects of substrate orientation on the locomotion of...
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    Chrysosporium-Related Fungi and Reptiles: A Fatal Attraction…

    “in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in mycoses caused by some Chrysosporium-related fungi in reptiles.”… “While the majority of fungal organisms affecting reptiles are believed...
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    Bearded dragons and CANV…

    Cross continental emergence of nannizziopsis barbatae…
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    The Eclipse…

    Anyone going to watch their chameleons and other animals to see their reaction to th eclipse? Anyone going to watch the eclipse? Don’t forget to use proper glasses or other protection when you look at the eclipse!
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    Locomotor characteristics of the ground-walking chameleon Brookesia superciliaris… “the transition to a fully arboreal way of life in “true arboreal” chameleons may have involved changes in spatiotemporal and kinematic characteristics as well as morphology”…...
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    Vibrating pygmy chameleon rediscovered in Malawi…

    Where the Chapman’s pygmy chameleon lives:
  18. K

    Independent origins of a novel atympanic middle ear system within Chamaeleonidae…

    “these data suggest that the ear plays a more significant role in the lives of some chameleons than has been recognized, and that parallelism is common in the evolution of the ear.”…
  19. K

    Madagascar Chameleons encountered…

    Excellent photos…
  20. K

    UV light…mystery in chameleons…

    Interesting video…
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