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  1. Eltortu

    Anyone else a scuba/ocean lover? EPIC vid of this weekend's shipwreck dive.

    I got my certification done early this year and can't believe I didn't get it years ago. Here I've gone to Catalina twice and four times in Santa Barbara. It is a nice outing going diving!
  2. Eltortu

    What are Some of Your Favorite Songs and Music Videos?

    This has to be the oldest thread here. Nice.
  3. Eltortu

    Dubias For Sale

    My Avatar looks odd.
  4. Eltortu

    Dubias For Sale

    Hello people of Earth! I have some Dubias for sale. I can do about 100+ for $50.00 send thru the USPS Priority Mail, so you should get it within 3 days of me shipping it. They will be mixed sizes so you can start your own colony. Thank you!
  5. Eltortu

    Do these chams look healthy?

    Babies and adult look healthy. Asking price is great I'd say.
  6. Eltortu

    So many new faces...where da OG's at?

    I wonder if Laurie, Synfully Syn, Chad, Pfftt still here... Hopefully my parole officer gives me my online privileges back and I comeback more often. Ha! Nite, nite.
  7. Eltortu

    Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

    Merry belated Christmas to you too dude!
  8. Eltortu

    What are Some of Your Favorite Songs and Music Videos?

    Anyone likes "Muse"? I forgot how to post links.
  9. Eltortu

    Been a while. 0.0

    Nice dude! I haven't been around either and look at all the changes!
  10. Eltortu

    I moved to Denver? So cold...

    What up Chad!
  11. Eltortu

    Dubia Roaches

    All sold! Thank you to all the dudes and dudettes for ordering! :D
  12. Eltortu

    New Member, Hey Everyone!

    Hello, hello!
  13. Eltortu

    Reptile Show Anaheim Sept 6-7

    Missed another show... :(
  14. Eltortu

    Dubia Roaches

    Hello, hello! I have two more Dubia colonies left. These roaches are great feeders and can be easily contained and bred. :)
  15. Eltortu

    Questions about a business called Tiki Tiki Reptile

    Like Laurie and xraygirl, I have nothing but great things to say about Chad and Darcy. I am sure he is just very busy running their store.
  16. Eltortu

    Dubia Roaches

    Hey now! My colonies are getting bigger by the minute...OMG! I am selling 250+ of mixed, nymph to adult, Dubia roaches for $35.00 shipped to your door by the good old USPS Priority Mail. You would have enough that in few months with the proper care, you will be in the same situation as I am in...
  17. Eltortu

    deremensis Hatching!

    Good job dude! I hope you have ff ready to go!
  18. Eltortu

    Pomona Show

    I totally forgot the Pomona Show was today! And Laurie was in town for the show? Where are the pictures?...
  19. Eltortu

    Happy Birthday To Carol!

    Happy Birthday Carol!
  20. Eltortu

    Happy BIRTHDAY

    Happy really belated Birthday. Did you get Adidas shoes?
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