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  1. L

    Sodium & Chloride sky high

    I've posted off and on about Simba's ongoing health problems, some of which are not related to each other, some obviously are... We went to our new chameleon vet for a recheck last week for blood work, because he is still not improving as much as we'd like. She prescribed baytril to clear up an...
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    Are trays for zoomed and reptizoo compatible with each other? Or any other drainage tray suggestions?

    Does anyone know if the substrate and drainage trays from zoomed are compatible with reptizoo? Specifically, the 18" x 18" reptizoo screen cage? It has a door at the bottom to slide out the drainage tray, and while the cage measures 17.6" across, the tray can only be a maximum of 16" to fit...
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    How to hang T5 light fixture

    Hi everyone! Simba is getting a whole new housing set up for the new year, so I am looking for some recommendations from all of the experout there! First, regarding hydration (misters/drippers/foggers/humidifiers): I am planning on getting a new Mister. I know that everyone raves about the...
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    Enclosure recommendations

    Hi everyone! So, after battling health problems and injuries for the past 6 months or so, I am finally ready to get Simba a proper set up. He is currently in the typical retail zoomed xl tall (screen top but glass all around). Of course this is what was recommended to me in the beginning...
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    This doesn't look good...

    I found another exotic vet a ways away, and I have an appointment for almost a week and a half from now, but if anyone can help identify this small growth on Simba's nose I would appreciate it. It was a piece of dried scale he had stuck to his nose, which I attributed to respiratory infection &...
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    Sharper Image travel humidifier

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to share... I don't know if anyone else here is having a difficult time with the change in seasons, but here in Virginia it has gotten super dry! I found this little 5" travel humidifier at CVS for $20, and it is absolutely perfect! Battery or USB connection, small...
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    Life expectancy survey

    Hello Everyone! I have been told, and read, that, on average, the life expectancy of the chameleon is about 5 years, but im curious to know how long chameleons are actually living and if they are living considerably longer with proper care and happy lives, especially panther chameleons. I...
  8. L

    Please help! Vitamin A Deficiency? Closed eyes, respiratory infection, lethargy

    Simba Panther Chameleon 5 and 1/2 years (In my care for 5 years) Male Handled 1-3x per week: He used to love venturing out of his habitat, would walk on to my hand when I opened the door. He has had many health issues over the past 4 months and has been handled much more frequently, but with...
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