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  1. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Right, exactly. Thank you!! I contacted the vet this morning and the receptionist wrote down everything I said and said he would be in a little later this morning, that she would tell him everything and get him to call me ASAP!
  2. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    no point in what exactly? Trying to keep feeding him? Should I just wait for him to get better and start having an appetite again? (In hopes that that happens) thank you for all of your insight!!!!
  3. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    You're fine!! I ordered new lighting tonight, reptivite reptile vitamins with D3, and repti-calcium without D3. There is a store in Slidell (about 30 min from me) that has liquid calcium as well as another liquid that is supposed to help with appetite, what is your opinion on maybe going to...
  4. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Thank you!! this was so incredibly helpful, will update for sure!
  5. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    do you think the antibiotic given at the vet today might jump start that, if it's a possible infection? His grip still remains VERY strong and he is getting around well on the dirt. When he attempts to climb, he can. He just can't hold on for too long.
  6. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    No, he usually only opens his mouth when I get too close or grabby with him! Vet didn't discuss respiratory infection with me, I'm unsure. These are all pictures during the time he's going through all this sickness so he's extra temperamental with me lately.
  7. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    in box is from today’s vet visit and the other three are from yesterday
  8. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    From what I've noticed, he only closes them when asleep. During the day, he is usually awake and moving around/looking around etc.
  9. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Will these work better
  10. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    They just assumed he had a parasite. Said they got a small sample for a smear but it wasn't enough and that if I could get a stool sample, to bring it in.
  11. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Thank you so much, it is soooo appreciated. I just purchased the new lighting and supplements provided to me through this thread. I plan to return back to the vet tomorrow, hoping they'll make an appointment with me when I call bright and early.
  12. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Do you guys think it is definitely mbd or is there a chance it could be gout?
  13. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Also, is mbd something that I will have to continue treating for the rest of his life? Or will this be a one time (ish) treatment and if I stay on top of the UVB lightening, feeding, and vitamins he should be okay for the time being?
  14. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    I am currently having to force feed him. Any tips or recommendations on that? Today when I went to the vet, they gave him liquid metronidazole 50mg (1 mL) and invermectin (an antiobiotic and meds to treat parasites). Will this negatively effect anything if I go tomorrow and ask for treatment...
  15. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    perfect, thank you so much!!!
  16. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    thank you!!! needed that
  17. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Honestly, not very often at all. Every now and then. When I sprinkled it on the crickets, they died very fast so I probably wasn't putting enough anymore :(
  18. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    this is from right now
  19. celseymarie

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    thank you so much. I am finding T8 but not T5 on amazon, does it have to be T5? Do they sell these in pet stores anywhere?
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