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    Community experiences with prolapsed chameleons

    On the "more to be posted later", I forgot to add... The two major vets referred me to a very large and busy facility downtown. I notified them 30 minutes before arrival and was checked in. I was assured when I called that they were capable of treating the condition. 30 minutes after arrival...
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    Community experiences with prolapsed chameleons

    I lost a young female chameleon today due to a severe prolapse She appeared fine Friday evening but this morning I noticed a major prolapse. Having read these forums often, I soaked the tissue in cold sugar water and moistened with KY. This of course happened on a Saturday. I am blessed to...
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    Nutrition in organ meat...

    I have found it hard to believe that large adult chameleons are not readily and often taking small lizards in the wild. Anyone living in Texas, Florida or any of the warmer southern states over-run with traditional and now brown anoles has probably witnessed their loving pets actively trying to...
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    Allen Repashy Interview on the Chameleon Academy Podcast

    This was a very good episode and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Having known the Rapashy brand for many years, it is fantastic to be able to put a real person behind the name and to realize most of these companies are started by normal people just like most (some?) of us. Being reptile people, one...
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    Keeping BSFL

    I have noticed that the size and longevity of the fly is directly tied to the size and health of the pupae. This may seem obvious but the trigger to pupate isnt well understood. Small underfed pupae will change to much smaller, weak flies. Large well fed pupae change into flies resembling...
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    Dubias in a Cricket Keeper

    buy a used dorm mini refrigerator and a cheap thermostat that controls the temp at a higher temperature. having a refrigerator capable of 55 f is very useful for keeping insects. It is a great temp to make crickets and Banana roaches manageable as well before feeding.
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    Keeping BSFL

    BSFL are commonly used in composting bins as the flies avoid humans and the larvae are very effective composters that"self harvest". I get young larvae and put them in a compost bin where they grow. I collect the grubs that self harvest and store at 55 deg F (small refrigerator with...
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    BSFL tips?

    another tip, place the larvae in a container with approximately quarter inch holes in the top and you have created a food dispenser if you need to leave for some time. Flies pop out randomly over time. At 55 degrees, the larvae will live well over two weeks, especially if you add food into...
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    Microplastics and fake Plants in Chameleon husbandry

    Agreed, human lifespans have crashed in the last fifty years and lifespans of chameleons as well. Especially when compared to their wild counterparts...
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    Feeder varieties for growing panther

    Banana roache colony has grown like wildfire but they are a bit tricky as males are climbers and flyers, although somewhat reluctant. I grab an egg crate from the colony, refrigerate a few minutes, and separate the males. Placed in smooth feeder cups with a small amount of silicon near the...
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    Plants Alive! Challenge

    Long time herper but relatively new at Chams. I was looking forward to the challenge and the chameleon breeder pod cast gave me the final motivation. I am fortunate in that I know have the age, experience and patience necessary to really enjoy these animals. I went a bit overboard and built...
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